Comment history

longgone says...

I'll believe it when I see it on the ground!!

longgone says...

Rich people scraping---Oh dear!!

On Old Fort Bay ‘torn’ by escalating fight

Posted 21 October 2022, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

Good point---Very true. Also a permit is required to build for sure!

longgone says...

Please, you have got to be kidding. No developer is going to "Love us". They are in it solely for the profits and could care less about the consequences.

longgone says...

Typical of someone like Wilchombe. Always wanting something for nothing so that he can line his pockets!!

On Obie Wilchcombe: We must seek reparations

Posted 13 September 2022, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

A classic life, well lived!

longgone says...

So your solution is to let them starve to death?? Nice guy!!

longgone says...

Where's Rodney when we need him??

longgone says...

Sir Lynden Pindling put a curse on Freeport from the time he became PM and Freeport will never recover!

On The day that Freeport and GB died

Posted 19 August 2022, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

It is the ghost of Sir Lynden Pindling in action. He put a curse on Freeport and it will never come back!!