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longislander says...

Long Islanders never have their tails between their legs. The PLP won the election so why is there so much attention on Long Island. We know who our MP is and proud of her. We know that she will be there for us. She won her seat. If the Prime Minister is a fair person then he will ensure that Long Islanders are treated fairly and not discriminated against just because they did not elect a PLP MP. We are still all Bahamians with the freedom to vote for whomever we wish in hopes that the elect party will support us no matter what. We are still part of the Bahamas or are we outsiders now? We will always stand heads up and proud for our choice. There are many Long Islanders who are PLPs don't you think they deserve to get some of the good stuff the new Prime Minister will be giving to his supporters. We have managed without the airport and can continue to manage if they choose not to go through with the plans for the new airport. We managed without the water and can probably still manage without it. If they are such a petty crew then so be it, we will just have to suffer. Long Islanders contribute to the government just like all the other islands do - we pay business license fees, custom duties, stamp tax, car registration fees, building permit fees, hotel tax, national insurance, so forth and so on. Why should we be penalized? Come on, everyone has a right to vote for their choice. Even if they had voted PLP it wouldn't make any difference. We will always be treated as the underdog and kept down by the Bahamas Government......why, I don't know.

On Long Island in mourning

Posted 12 May 2012, 1:13 a.m. Suggest removal