Obviously it would be a huge engineering feat to build a large Disney installation without negatively impacting the environment at Lighthouse but Carnival has had a "port" just 1/4 mile north for decades and there hasn't been much talk about pollution there. I have to admit that it would be almost impossible to retain healthy reefs with 1000s of swimmers covered with suntan lotion in the water every week.
If the original Cotton Bay Club, which was one of the best golf courses in the world, is now a jungle as is what was once a functioning golf course at Cape Eleuthera and the new Cotton Bay course remains half built, I guess the jury is in that Eleuthera will never be a golfing mecca. Just imagine, though, if all those courses had good management and cooperation from the government how South Eleuthera might be booming!
Eleuthera's interests would be better served if Disney redeveloped Cape Eleuthera where there is already a yacht harbor, deep water, an international school and remnants of an airstrip and golf course. Lighthouse Point is much more suited to being a national park where development is kept to the bare minimum. Alternatively, Princess Key, an active cruise ship destination which sits between the two properties above could be expanded to include Disney ships without creating too much environmental mayhem.
longtail says...
Obviously it would be a huge engineering feat to build a large Disney installation without negatively impacting the environment at Lighthouse but Carnival has had a "port" just 1/4 mile north for decades and there hasn't been much talk about pollution there. I have to admit that it would be almost impossible to retain healthy reefs with 1000s of swimmers covered with suntan lotion in the water every week.
On Disney: ‘We’ve struck right tone’ on Eleuthera project
Posted 11 January 2022, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal
longtail says...
If the original Cotton Bay Club, which was one of the best golf courses in the world, is now a jungle as is what was once a functioning golf course at Cape Eleuthera and the new Cotton Bay course remains half built, I guess the jury is in that Eleuthera will never be a golfing mecca. Just imagine, though, if all those courses had good management and cooperation from the government how South Eleuthera might be booming!
On Sir Franklyn targeting $10m Jack’s Bay raise
Posted 3 December 2018, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal
longtail says...
Eleuthera's interests would be better served if Disney redeveloped Cape Eleuthera where there is already a yacht harbor, deep water, an international school and remnants of an airstrip and golf course. Lighthouse Point is much more suited to being a national park where development is kept to the bare minimum.
Alternatively, Princess Key, an active cruise ship destination which sits between the two properties above could be expanded to include Disney ships without creating too much environmental mayhem.
On TOUGH CALL: A tale of South Eleuthera
Posted 1 December 2018, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal