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lordcharlemain says...

So much hate for the outlanders, the writer of this arcticle argues that a someone from another country must paid hes unpaid property taxes now! Meanwhile a Bahamian who did not pay for 40 years needs to get a break? Are you insane? Everyone needs to pay the property tax in a manner that they can ( without destroying bahamian businesses that are hit by covid ). Payment plans need to be set up work needs to be done. Where the Bahamas can make the most money is not property tax, but by downsizing its epic sized government. In my believe about 20 % of the Bahamians work for the government and are sucking the other 80 % dry, what the Bahamas really needs is a smaller government. You do not receive any government benefits here anyways like you would in first world countries. In other countries the government pays for all the health care of its citizens thats why they have a tax system, but the bahamas provides none of that, but still has steep taxes....

On A lot still separates political parties

Posted 26 August 2021, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

lordcharlemain says...

thats some bs, foreigners have paid all their taxes else they have to leave the country

lordcharlemain says...

thats good a little bit less apartheid, sick and tired of the foreigners paying all the taxes and the bahamians not having to pay any property taxes its ridiculous. Even with the special law that bahamians dont have to pay real estate tax on undeveloped land and foreigners do have to pay insane taxes for that. There is no country in the world where the goverment made more laws to protect its citizens with unfair and equal laws than the bahamas and still people complain shame on you.

lordcharlemain says...

These are very wise restrictions, didnt think the gov had it in them. Nobody loses except the professional loiterers, they are a hotbed for virus replication.

lordcharlemain says...

if we keep going on with minnis we can expect bahamians moving to haiti for a better life within 3 years

lordcharlemain says...

We need a lockdown on the wendys and mcdonalds, there are more people dying here of morbid obesity than anything else, probably the covid victims are obese themselves.

On National address to detail new measures

Posted 26 July 2021, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal