Comment history

lovingbahamas says...

You’re dreaming! Freeport was once a class act. Now it has gone to drugs. Why did the government ever spend the people’s money on a hurricane stricken hotel and then waste hundreds of millions on trying to keep it open? Now the transactions are non transparent. Another surprise! Really? Why wouldn’t they make them public so we, the constituents, can see what is happening? I think we all know the answer to that question!

On No faith in sale of Lucayan

Posted 22 February 2025, 8:28 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

The scariest part of this story is the Bahamas taking over air traffic control. This is a recipe for disaster! And, why not keep grinding away on the aviation business-the business that provides a lot of long stay, money spending guests. Already, the number of private flights coming to the Bahamas is down. Add in the horrendous duties and paying $30 for a hamburger, including tip and tax-and the Bahamas is pricing themselves out of business!

On Bahamian airline fear over six-fold fee hikes

Posted 17 February 2025, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Looks like don’t have to worry about the pilot shortage.

lovingbahamas says...

Can’t wait for the new taxes, user fees, increases in water and electricity and of course the VAT increase. Tourism is down. 2 burgers, 2 punches with gratuity and Vat is now like $110. Is there any wonder why tourism, our backbone, is down?

On Spending jumps 20% to triple Gov’ts deficit

Posted 11 December 2024, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Bahamas landing fee for private pilots now $150. Turks-$10. Cayman-$10. Florida keys like $30 but waived if you buy 10 gallons gas. Burger and a drink in Out Islands-over $50. In the keys-$30. No Customs forms or hassle. 2 day trip to Bahamas $150 landing fee, 30 departure, $100 cab ride-basically $300 to go for 2 day weekend. My pilot friends are coming for like a week or 2 but not for 2 days. There are other options. If you look at most of the planes at Ou Island airports, they are single engines. $300 hurts.

lovingbahamas says...

What about this idea? Let’s start by cutting expenses and 5he first place to look is cutting the size of the government and increasing its efficiency. That will save a boatload of money and not require any tax increases!

On IMF ‘out of touch’ on Bahamas VAT hike

Posted 21 November 2024, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

It’s the Bahamas. CCA will never pay. No government official will be charged. It will all go away.

lovingbahamas says...

Supposedly, Kovats took between $5 and $10 million to walk away. There have been so many “developers” starting Treasure Cay projects, I’ll believe it when I see it. And, how could tiny Walkers Cay developer be spending $200 million and TC developer that’s spending $177 million?

On $177m HOA signed for Treasure Cay development

Posted 13 September 2024, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

The Bahamas is pricing itself out of the market! The people on the cruise ship don’t want to go into town and have lunch. 2 people with a burger each and a rum punch with gratuity, vat, etc would probably be over $100 not including cab ride. That’s a lot when you’re paying $400 for the entire cruise. And private pilots just had a 300% increase in landing fees!! That’s right-who ever heard of a 300% increase! With 50+% duties and 10% vat the prices have soared. Even McDonald’s in the US is struggling. Just add a couple more PPP deals and watch the prices soar even more. We need tourists and our government is driving them away!

lovingbahamas says...

Just wait till the next tragic hurricane when the Bahamas are crying for help from the private pilots to save them when the government does nothing. This must be thanking all the pilots that during Dorian paid for their own fuel and supplies and provided supplies to all the Bahamians.