Comment history

lucaya says...

So true, bad journalism on this topic!

lucaya says...


lucaya says...

The most likely scenario

lucaya says...

What is all that "I think" coming from the COP? Very unprofessional and questionable on his part!

lucaya says...

You're a fool to think the whole country corrupt 😠 and name also a corrupt free country please?

lucaya says...

People get informed, why would they call Franklin Wilson "the snake" 🐍!!!!

lucaya says...

Thank you!!!

lucaya says...

No keep things the way it is, plenty of land spreed across these islands, Bahamians should be able to pick and live of the land, and bear fruits, and be self sufficient.

lucaya says...

15 years you keep the Government taxes from the Government, well monkey doo!

lucaya says...

Old news and already debunked and proven factually wrong, this Country was made The Bahamas by hard working Bahamians for generations! Now, go ahead and bring your evidence, show us the sheets!