Comment history

lucaya says...

Been to Super Value foodstore this morning(Prince Charles) and on the front door and throughout the store signs the read something to "vote no for vat" well who the hell is voting on vat?What Mr. Robert and the likes need to is continue to pay their taxes fairly,keep folks employed, and stop spreading useless propaganda,because whether we like it or not we **need** some form of tax,to pay off this bloated national depth.Where was he and the likes trying to convince these "religious zealot" to vote yes on gambling so we could get **some** bit of tax(every bit of crumb from the table would of help)?

I have not read yet,what is his or his likes(btw,I mean those other business leaders who running out) solution or alternative to vat,please say something man,even the Prime Minister asking for them to come up something else.Now they join forces(started a so called advice group)to suggest the Government implement forcing them to pay up(owed taxes from business and property taxes)what they should of many years ago,I say "My,my,my, yinna is somting else ay!Anyways rest for later...

lucaya says...

So what, if daddy in jail,let's know how much a man and father he is...

On Accused of beating baby

Posted 20 December 2013, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

Dear Jehovah Almighty,please give this lady strength to pull through,in your son Jesus the Risen Savior name,Amen.

On Shot woman was robbery victim

Posted 12 December 2013, 12:44 a.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

God Bless Long Island,God Bless The Bahamas,Amen.

On 31 Haitian migrants detained on Long Island

Posted 5 December 2013, 12:51 a.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

Please,please The Tribune go ask Minister Shane Gibson what he has to say now with this situation now,this B.S. is so ulcerating...

On lucaya

Posted 28 November 2013, 12:33 a.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

@ countryfirst- I've been saying this for sometime now, we really need to look into this deeper,it is truly mind boggling, until we decide to take a firm stance on this matter we will NEVER see a decline in the statistics,I'm so glad my MP in no lawyer,but there is need for more open and frank discussion on this,PEOPLE wake up...

On 1 in 20 murders end in conviction

Posted 20 November 2013, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

This is so disgraceful,I have been reading the tribune ever since I was a child,to be honest I probably will because at times this paper do help the downtrodden and the obs. on thursdays,but this fiasco is totally waring down on us,the only way I would of protest is not read the tribune,sadly they also part owners of the guardian,totally entrapped. My Lord, now the Haitian in Florida running out, people would like to believe we(Bahamian people) are solely to blame, its a lie we blame the Bay Street Boys,Conchy joes in Abaco,Eleuthera, then the Politicians, who when they no longer need their service or not willing to pay permits any longer,run them of in the bush.

How long before a woman anywhere in the world can report rape and get some justice?Are they now going to imply that our justice system is garbage never no justice?From what I know, ANY woman report rape in this Country will receive their day in court, and if proven so the perpetrator will find their way to Fox Hill Prison right?Again bearing my political persuasion(I am proud to say I am a swing voter,whomever I feel has done the people good I will vote for you simple)i really know this is "politics" come 2017, and I for one don't buy it,So Be It.

lucaya says...

Please tribune, can you find another story to lead? This is now STALE news, the Cubans were sent back,an investigation is ongoing and the Cubans in America had their 15mins of fame, now get back to basics, news from the Bahamas....

lucaya says...


lucaya says...

For real....

On Cuban nationals repatriated to Havana

Posted 16 August 2013, 11:13 p.m. Suggest removal