Comment history

lucaya says...

😱 scary😥

lucaya says...

You are the intellect here,wish I could add to your comment ten more thumbs up!

On Conch may be wiped out in 10-15 years

Posted 11 January 2019, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

The Country he is in that is where he belongs, he was easily found and his lawyer and the tribune is doing a sloppy one sided story. There are countless persons that where able to enjoy the same privaledge as I do, to work and accomplish many things in this Country. The tribune tends to be one sided, for the "down trodden" and less focused on independent fact finding journalism, it does not pay well to do so.

lucaya says...

Sense the passion/anger of TalRussell on this particular article😲

On BPL’s $1.5m payout on eve of election

Posted 22 August 2017, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

Stop meddling in Bahamian politics BFB, smt!

On Davis lashes out over PLP arrests

Posted 24 July 2017, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

We need dees fellas calling names man bey, plus getting da monies back and people going to jail.Dey playin man,dis wat da people lookin for,da fnm was put to do wat da people want bey!Witch hunt?Get outta here talkin s**t,get real!

lucaya says...

He is the worst PM of The Bahamas!

On UPDATED: Christie quits as PLP leader

Posted 15 May 2017, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

Let us stop pretending we expect the new government to open an investigation into where VAT gone,rubis debacle, Jerome fritz an Alison with Bahamar,lying Shane(peter nygard slosh funds)and his time at NIB, da sloshicle at bob,bamsi,Fred Mitchell and those passport issues, and Perry Christie greasy fingers his cronies and family involvement, ALL deals and signature Brave Davis fingers been on and even da office chairs he sat on,plus any stealing at dem departments especially RTD,or trust this the Bahamians will do the same come 2022,probably more brutal cuz we demanded these as yinna Boss (Bahamian people),da new Gov have a task ahead we hope you guys well in these regards!

lucaya says...

Hurry close that bank it failed, another good institution messed up by these greedy corrupt politicians.

On BOB bailout doubts raised

Posted 8 May 2017, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal