Comment history

lunalula says...

Thank you for your thoughts! There is no decision on the table for me. I made mine quite a long time ago that I am not getting it. I have been exposed numerous times (I'm pretty sure I had it in January 2020 but of course it was so early on and there was no testing). I live a natural, healthy lifestyle and completely trust my immune system. I am fully supportive of whatever people decide for their own bodies however. Each circumstance is different and I respect and honor everyone's decision.

On Hopes for new COVID facility next month

Posted 13 January 2022, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

I'm glad to hear your feedback! Like I said, I'm curious to hear various perspectives because we're all viewing it from different angles. I definitely know less unvaccinated people than vaccinated people as well. I guess I'm just surprised that so many vaccinated people are getting sick (because the vaccine is supposed to protect you against covid - that's what they originally said at least). People are getting just as sick as they were pre-vaccine, and it's impossible to judge if the symptoms are "lessened" if you've had the vaccine because you just don't know on a case by case basis. When they say the hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated people (in this article), it just doesn't make sense to me, based on my "statistics" of viewing what's going on with the people I am directly connected with.

On Hopes for new COVID facility next month

Posted 12 January 2022, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

I'd be curious to hear other people's perspectives on this. The people that I know that are getting sick (in some cases heavy flu/covid symptoms) are double and triple vaccinated. I don't know anyone who is unvaccinated who has gotten sick so far this flu season. But that's just my personal network of connections...

On Hopes for new COVID facility next month

Posted 11 January 2022, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

Pharma can't be sued. It's written in their fine print. They have no liability for injury or death. If that doesn't make people suspicious about this experimental injection, I don't know what would.

lunalula says...

Non-covid related deaths are on the rise. You can see it first hand in out island communities where the graveyard is now the hot spot to gather on the weekends. The obituary section is filled with healthy-looking 20, 30, 40 and 50 year olds. They are going to blame the increase of deaths from the experimental jab on a "fourth wave". Wake up people.

lunalula says...

If the powers that be were really concerned about climate change, there wouldn't be so much development at sea level, would there? Because it would all be underwater in a few short years, wouldn't it? It's all part of their plan to tighten control on the sheeple. I agree we are destroying our planet, but the fight is against the powers that be who refuse to stop drilling for fossil fuel, raping our oceans, and destroying natural habitats for profit.

lunalula says...

Moderator, can you please let me know why you are not posting my comments?

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

The point is that by removing the emergency orders but keeping protocols the same, they are in effect, making all of the temporary rules and regulations permanent.

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

“This morning we are delivering on that promise and finally closing this dark chapter in our country’s history."

Closing a dark chapter? Not at all. They are making the emergency orders sounds worse to me.

On New rules for a ‘new reality’

Posted 2 November 2021, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

lunalula says...

They need to include whether these deaths were persons who were vaccinated or not. They say that the hospitals are full of unvaxxed, but that the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed. Who is actually dying here?

On 12 more COVID-19 deaths

Posted 25 October 2021, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal