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luvdoc says...

What the hell these so- called pastors talking about? Its wrong for illegals to squat on people's land and burden down a nations economy without contributing. America and all the other nations does it why shouldnt we?

On Pastor voices concern over immigration raids

Posted 5 November 2014, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

luvdoc says...

These so called pastors need to shet their damn mouths. If they really wanted that they wouldve started with Randy Frazer for what he did. Dont hide cases that involve pasto4s but speak out against all the others.

luvdoc says...

Personally, I dont think this clown is sorry for what he said at all. I think he is more afraid of the repercussion of his statement. They were already burning our flags during our Independence celebration. They already don't have no respect for the people of this country or the laws of the land. However, he knows and I will say to the reading public, that this clown has already put the idea into his Haitian brothers and sisters head to riot against the citizens of the Bahamas in the near future. This clown whom later said that he has never been to Haiti and was born here in the Bahamas, should be grateful for us giving him a life rather than encouraging his country men to break the law. Damn, if we let the Haitians do what they want to do with this country, then we should let the Chinese, the Jamaicans and every other nationality who wants to run a muck of this great beautiful Bahamaland. But If people think that clown was joking or regretful of what he said, they tell a lie, and like he said, "there is more of them than there are of us, and we're not scared", which means he know that he have an army of Haitians that is ready to attack us. They break the law, we didnt, and to be honest, some of them live and get more benefits from this country than those whom are raw-bone Bahamians. Some of them squat on people's land and live free, build shacks and run electrical cords, but pay no light build, farm, so they can spend less money in the food stores, by the way, they pay from their own kind. The benefits they get into this country, I cant get and will not get if I go to Haiti. Gad damn, they wouldnt even give me the chance to squart no where. I'm no PLP and I'm not FNM,, but I will say that this problem we having stems from the round table deal that was made between the Haitian President and Hubert Ingram whom helped funded the FNM's election. Then you get the group of corrupt politicians from both sides, selling votes and illegally registering undocumented nationals into this country for votes. All they wanted was to get into office, but they wasnt thinking once they gave these barbarians documents, they wouldnt be able to take it back. Then you have Perry Christie whom doesnt know his ass from his elbow dancing around celebrating the Chinese god Buddha and selling out his share of the country to the Chinese people as they sit back and laugh at us "Silly Bahamians" as they consider us. Bahamians watch out? Bahamians watch out, stand up and speak out? Bahamians, if we take these seemingly simple things as simple things, devastation is going to quietly creep up on us like a thief in the night. Bahamians, this is our land, and we the people, have no where else to go. We wouldnt be able to run to Haiti, Jamaica or even the United States if this land is taken away from us.

On Shanty town resident apologises for comments

Posted 24 October 2014, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal