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luvsnest says...

I cannot believe what I am reading. Is this newspaper article legitimate regarding the number of people who have defaulted on their mortgage loans but nevertheless are permitted to remain in their homes with no consequences? The solution to this problem, in my opinion, is quite simple. Just ask any youngster what happens when they neglect to perform their chores. Anyone who is one (1) month in arrears need to negotiate a payment plan and continue with the plan until the loan is paid. Failure to do so should warrant eviction. BMC then needs to find a qualified buyer. Unfortunately home ownership is not for everyone. If the BMC continues to allow clients to remain in their homes rent free if they do not pay their mortgage "sign me up" because I want to live mortgage free too!! Three month in the arrears start ****eviction!**

luvsnest says...

Before I go ,One more issue **marijuana ** It is my opinion that the Bahamas is usually 10 years behind the USA . Marijuana will be legal in the world in a few years, leaving the Bahamas behind once more. There are so much of our youths who are criminalized for one joint, Where as they could not travel to the USA or get a job on this 7+21 Island, what are they to do other than crime . We should be in the planning mode preparing our country to move forward with the rest of the world. It is inevitable that the Bahamas will eventually legalize it, It is only a matter of time. Legalize and tax taking the money out of it would put a big dent in crime plus help pay off our national debt. Please wake up Bahamas before it is to late. What are we waiting for, 10 years?

On Impossible policy to stop gaming

Posted 20 May 2018, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

luvsnest says...

It’s sad we all know what is happening with the number houses in the Bahamas. Yet, we take no action to remedy the situation. All talk and no action. A national lottery would benefit everybody, helping pay for public education, scholarships, healthcare and other social services. Our current situation with the number houses only benefits a few. What the hell are we waiting for?!? Please help me understand.

On Impossible policy to stop gaming

Posted 20 May 2018, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

luvsnest says...

You must ask yourself how could the talks continue after the Bahamas delegate has left.
It is as if the foreign Investors did not want the Bahamas delegates to be apart of the negotiation.I am of the mind set that the Bahamas was sent home to wait for a decision to be made by the Foreign Investors.??????

luvsnest says...

How is it possible that the building cost would go up more than 100% within one year.from $2.6 million to $5.5 million in one year. Vat of 7.5% on $2.6 million is $195,000.00 +$2.6 million =
$ 2,795,000.00. - $5.500,000.00 = $2,705,000.00 difference in one year. The reason why this is to hide the $2.6 million Mr Hanna has to pay back .$2.6 million for Mr Hanna
$2,900,000.00 to build the building back.We need to get, bids from 3 contractors to show the public where the money is going. Even so, we should not have to pay vat or inflation that should be the responsibility of the contractor. God help us !!!!

On ‘I will rebuild BAMSI for free’

Posted 13 March 2015, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

luvsnest says...

The goverment had the report for about 6 month and was reviewed by the board and internal audit and they could not find a clerical error ?. The right thing to do was to turn the report over to the police to investigate and they should give a report. Were is the Attoney General.Minnis found the error with in a week, How?

luvsnest says...

The way that we operate in the Bahamas. Is that we set up our people to fail. If you are unable to pay $500.00 how in the hell are you going to pay $5000.00. We teach our people do not pay your bill and then we will let you slide. That is why we in the situation were in Know. I can assure you that if you turn off the light at $500.00 they will pay somthing on it to keep it on!!!

luvsnest says...

Very well said!!! Let us see some action, In force the laws of the land.

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 31 December 2013, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

luvsnest says...

We can talk all we want,What we need to do is take action.WE speak about the Good old boy network of the political class.What concern me is that we the public and the police know that this corruption is happening but we take NO action, to hold these people accountable.
What we need is some high profile arrest for taking bribe's while doing the people's business
have them explain how they came about this wealth, and work our way down the line.If you keed ding what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting.
Don’t underestimate yourself. You are capable of more than you can ever imagine. When life presses in on you the hardest, that’s when your breakthrough is near. Press on. Don’t stop to think about the work you have to do; just put yourself on auto-pilot.

Hold yourself to a higher standard daily. Your family, friends and co-workers all look to you for their cues. Be mindful to lift the vibration in every room you enter. Treat yourself to a higher belief system. Trust and let go. Greatness is in your DNA. God don’t make junk. Each day you have a new chance to develop new ideas, reach for new goals and conquer new mountains. Chase down your dream like it’s the last bus of the night. Go get it! You have something special. You have Greatness within you!

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 28 December 2013, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal