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mallyb says...

I hate to hear grown people talk SHIT you and alot the others are a bunch of hypocrite on one hand you against crime on the other hand you for it KMA they saying the police have one in custody go with Rodney Moncur to CDU office and demand his release. Police don't need help from new York, F**k New York couldn't help Boston what the hell they coming here for Police need help from you'll Bahamanian who hiding all those F*****s in your homes parents who know there children doing shit what the F**K FBI coming here for they need the same information come on Bahamas think for your self you either 100% behind helping the police and the goverment or stay living in fear and bitching and complaining take a look at the person in the mirror and say am doing enough. Last stop thing all police are corrupt in every bag of apples there will be one or two bad apple what you do when you find you trow it away and eat the rest you don't trow the whole bag away stop being so f*****g thats my 10 cents na f/o if ya wa see me am always under the bridge an just tired a you all hypocrites complaining.

On Victim tried to stop attack on woman

Posted 13 May 2013, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

lol lol lmao its a good thing you were there to see the truth for your self ya know some officers do get out a hand but there are still the majority who still up hold the law we bahamian feed on gossep even more so if it false just read some a the comments

On Man says he was beaten by officers

Posted 5 May 2013, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

either your a fat lier or your friend is stop spreading SHIT its people like you what is causing the situation we are faceing in this contury today

On Man says he was beaten by officers

Posted 5 May 2013, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

boy its sad what happen but how can you blame the law if a person has something in there mind how can you stop them .Are we a contury of mind readers now please dont make STUPID statements

mallyb says...

Sorry when i graduated from university with a Bachelor degree positiveinput it was,t Summa Com Laude , but i did finish so comprehension may have been why i did,t finish with a 4.0. My brother may not have been guilty but he put himself in that position am not proud (2) i dont follow rumors i get facts for myself (3) that is why i said go to court and hear the evidence for yourself, (4)the police never said how they abele to catch them and with a firearm as both men were masked so i don,t know how am not going to start a rumor on what was found on the scene. So Mr/Ms if you entertain rumor, again i say you condone shit my stands has,t change on that. Comprehension may be my weakness mmmmmm maybe but you simply fail in that area, so if want to know we will see each other while we hear the evidence in court so you can notice me am a be the one in loud colors pink yellow green come over say hi

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 17 April 2013, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

Thats why we live in this great country thats how he feel and thats how i feel i have family on both side of the spectrum, law enforcement and criminal element i have a brother who seems to love prison but i don,t like what he does but he has his life to live. now you mr/ms (Positiveveinput ) if you want to know what evidence the have you and your can go to court with him and hear the evidence for yourself. You are right in one thing this is the problem stop condoning shit.

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 16 April 2013, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

Tell Mr Rodney Moncur he like taking pictures ,take a photo or Mr Clayton Fernander hand and put that one on Facebook

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 16 April 2013, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

hey jack ass you still running on with your bullshit give it a rest man

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 16 April 2013, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

why are you trying educate simple minded person but the say even the dumb and ignorant they have there say.

On Police shooting: second arrest

Posted 14 April 2013, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

hey looser get a job gat to much time on your hand

On Police shooting: second arrest

Posted 14 April 2013, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal