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mallyb says...

hey stupid get a life

On Police shooting: second arrest

Posted 14 April 2013, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

This is why the murder rate is so high in the Bahamas. These hypocrite on one hand cry for blood when someone in there Family is murdered. Then they flip the scrip when there family member is the murderer. You complain the Police cant catch the criminals when there caught "or you did,t have to do them like that". Then the court give them bail one ,two and sometimes three murders. But what does ignorant people say the police give them bail. News flash morons. But the good thing now they killing each other ONE by ONE the tragic situation they become a lost of life but not to cercity . Sorry if my Grammer is a tad bit off did graduate from university of black village

mallyb says...

boy ya cant buy stupidity u earn it i give you a masters keep working on it soon be a Dr

mallyb says...

We must all remember Jesus words render to caesar that which is Caesar and render unto God that which is God.We are now a nation of hypocrite. On one hand when it suits us we all against crime when were the victim but when its our love ones involve we support the criminal activities

I do not support wrong doing by POLICE or the PUBLIC at large but we are a country goven by laws and ALL are accountable its just sad we allow the few bad apples out shine the sweet juicy ones. We are a nation of followers not leaders we Mr Moncur makes a morkery
of our judicial and Political system come on people where in the world we put trees as assets its not funny its border line stupid


Posted 12 April 2013, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

mallyb says...

check your facts first then comment it shows how ignorant you relly are
remember,ignorance left uncheck turns to stupidity

mallyb says...

Rodney reminds me of Kim Jong Un, plane STUPID, remember when you insight ignorant people to war bad things happen you hurt the country, always remember God word about the power of the tongue.