Comment history

mandela says...

This is pure garbage, the PLP are now at the point of no return to office, that is.

mandela says...

Police, liars, and corrupt holders of the law for whichever master is in power at the time.

mandela says...

Most likely the latter.

mandela says...

If someone is suspected of a crime, the police confront them and they turn and run away, and then the suspected is shot in the back, the public doesn't trust the police firstly because they lie, cover up evidence, and would rather shoot first and then ask or inquire questions later, as they are always in fear for their lives.

mandela says...

Great, if only they are enforced.

mandela says...

Give her, her $40,000.××. She earned it.

mandela says...

I think it goes if you don't fight for your land you don't deserve to have it. Again he was spot on.

mandela says...

Yes, they certainly should be investigated, the police force are loaded with D and E average officers who can hardly read or write and definitely cannot conduct an investigation of a crime and bring charges on evidence alone, so they beat and torture to get a confession, not only should they be investigated but also sued

mandela says...

Ms. Wallace the truth is women don't inspire men, but men on the other hand inspires both men and women

mandela says...

What about the stray dog population with no owners, Ms. Aranha and Ms. Kimble, non stop breeding, and being a danger and nuisance, and barking all night interrupting persons night sleep who have to go to work that morning? What are being done in these situations?