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mandela says...

All this time and this is what the Government came up with, garbage

mandela says...

The Bahamas must be the only country in the world where a person is allowed to roam the streets while being on bail for 4, 5, 6. 7 alleged murders, some stemming back to 6 years, without being tried for any. Our slow judicial system and our governments ( PLP and FNM ) are the real accomplices to these criminals roaming the streets wreaking havoc on society. It is now very clear that our government has no real interest in protecting its citizens from murderers and pedophiles. Where there is smoke there's fire, glad to know that he has now been sent before the true and real judge, God Almighty.

mandela says...

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On FNM Leader accuses PM of ‘mistruths’ on roof collapse

Posted 23 August 2023, 9:26 a.m.

mandela says...

Awesome! Go, go Bahamas.

mandela says...

Awesome, go. go Bahamas.

mandela says...

In 5 yrs that portion of the beach will be trampled and eroded, and when it's destroyed, RCL will stick up their middle finger to the Bahamas and say "See ya, bye, bye, we"re out a here".

mandela says...

And the beat goes on. What is so sad is that the average contractor who is looking for a tiny $1000.00, contract has to bring his land papers, bank draft, and so on and these lucky jokers only need verbal contracts. God doesn't like ugly, so he brings this situation to light.

mandela says...

Anyone proven to be a sexual predator and a definite risk to the population, who clearly demonstrates no remorse and brags that he will re-offend, as this monster is proven to be, should be kept in prison, the Minister and government have a responsibility to its citizens to protect them. If this man rapes or kills or molests anyone upon his release, the minister and the government would then need to go and be held accountable.

mandela says...

DNA testing should be mandatory for all hospital births from the infant entering this earth. Mommy's baby, daddy's maybe.

mandela says...

If this is true, then it should not matter who is bringing this unlawful, unnational act to the forefront. Citizenship is something to be cherished. If naturalized persons, who want to hold a Bahamian passport as citizens of the Bahamas **MUST** renounce/ give up their rights to any other country and swear on the Bible their allegiance to the Bahamas flag, if this is not done they should not become a Citizen of this great country. If this is indeed happening whether it's under the plp, fnm, dna, coi, or any government this amounts to treason to the Bahamas and the Bahamian people. Bahamians should indeed be concerned. The government has to bring some clarity to this and other questions surrounding the Immigration Ministry and its Minister of Immigration.