Comment history

mandela says...

I hope he gets some form of a state-recognized funeral to accompany his hard work.

mandela says...

Go Toby go, you don't have to be polite when defending what belongs to us ( crown land ), RCL ain't polite and they have rights to nothing, and they are liars, once the approval is given if RCL can pack 20,000 people on that little area a day they will, whos to stop them or control what they do? defiantly not our blinded politicians.

mandela says...

Once a person is charged before the courts, how long can a person by law be held until a trial has to be heard?

mandela says...

Start building a new prison ( criminals hotel ). I firmly believe bail is given out so freely because of housing in an already overcrowded prison and not being able to hold them for the allotted time under the law. If we had room ( units ) to host these criminals for the time needed to bring them to trial as stated by the law ( three years ) the country would see and feel the difference. The amount of bailed criminals causing havoc on the streets are small it's just these small groups each committing multiple crimes.

mandela says...

From the day RCL is open for business, it will take under 10 years before ever-lasting destruction will be seen and when that area is destroyed forever RCL will pack up and leave and find somewhere else to destroy, leaving us with the pieces and signs of greed.

mandela says...

The commissioner of police wants to try to prevent the murder rate from exceeding 100 murders for the year, but at this rate, we are on track to pass this number by plenty.

mandela says...

For ladies exercising or wanting to early in the morning ( jogging, walking ), it would be a great idea to have a whistle and pepper spray as a deterrent.

mandela says...

Strange, but if they have not named anyone as yet, it must be one of them. If it were a civilian they would have already named them and they would have been charged.

mandela says...

In the case brought against a sitting MP, the victim said the Grand Bahama police wanted her to sign a paper to not proceed with the case, before even questioning the (sitting MP) suspect, if this statement is correct, then how can citizens trust, respect, and feel safe when dealing with law enforcement? I personally believe they all lie and cover their gang members to the end no matter what.

mandela says...

The worst gangs in the world are the legal ones.