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mandela says...

The EXPO trip with a **one** million dollar price tag is worth the investment, what the Bahamian people **want/need** to know is what happened to the **COVID-19, the food program and hurricane** **Dorian money** which amounts to **hundreds of millions** unaccounted for

mandela says...

The Minister of Health only makes the policy not enforce it, it is for the police to enforce the policy. The police would rather rush upon a gathering of 31 with only one person over the limit and wreak havoc on them, but will play Stevie Wonder when promoters or persons with deep pockets have functions with 1000% attendance over the policies allowance. I wonder why?

On ‘No approval? shut it down’

Posted 18 January 2022, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Yes, I think we will see some benefits from this exposure, and with a one million dollars price tag this will be a great win-win situation for the Bahamas. The Bahamas is paying Lenny Kravitz alone more than this EXPO cost to help expose the Bahamas.

mandela says...

Hey, Mr. Minnis, exxxxx-PM and crew where did the money for the food program go? The EXPO 2020 only cost us 1million, tens or maybe hundreds of millions can't now be accounted for or traced, and at least this government didn't go out to the world in their first capacity as the government and shouted out how corrupt the Bahamas was, and especially under your leadership, and there is ample evidence to prove it. Please Mr. Minnis go away, liar, liar pants on fire, hardly anyone believed you while you were PM and no one should believe you now. Just as the red cent ( the penny ) disappeared never to be seen again so did the millions for the COVID-19 and food program.

On ‘Every red cent can be accounted for’

Posted 18 January 2022, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

People need to trust the police, " **Hogwash**" the police need to **deserve** the trust from the people, we the people don't work for the police, the police works for the people or at least supposed to. Trusting the police is like going into the ocean swimming and encountering a Great white shark and thinking " Oh all is cozy" and not being afraid. If a family member or someone you love is having a mental breakdown, **never, ever** call the police. if you want that person to get help and not die call someone else.

mandela says...

The only thing PM Davis needs to thank the ex-PM Minnis for is calling an early election the nation also thanks him

mandela says...

So glad the carnival was stopped or else the new day government would have been falsely blamed for this new wave straight into the next election.

mandela says...

The beaches and park saga is an investigation of accountability that is needed and required and should be the norm for all governments, this is the taxpayer's monies we are talking about, The carnival is a one time a year thing, very irrelevant, changes according to the medical experts and not the competent authority resulted in unhappy changes being made.

mandela says...


On Welcome back, you did the nation proud

Posted 16 December 2021, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Firing into a moving vehicle seems dangerous, supposing a child was in the vehicle also and killed, then what?

On Police shoot man in buttocks

Posted 15 December 2021, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal