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mangogirl01 says...

Lol, fa real! He didn't respect the public's opinion on the numbers debacle now talking with a twist tongue. This man shouldn't even entertain the thought of trying to be re-elected because he is already the worst PM and ain no chance in hell he's gonna change now!!

mangogirl01 says...

That's some crah eh!! Only in The Bahamas but let us try that in Haiti!!!

mangogirl01 says...

Birdiestrachan, you can't be serious!! Mrs. LBT did not shout insults, the prime minister was the one who insulted her when he said she may have health challenges!! The budget is confusing, mixed up with a lot of missing info, too bad you don't understand how to read it!!

mangogirl01 says...

Lol, that may be so!


Posted 20 June 2014, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Yes Birdiestrachan, please list what she has done for the Bahamas because alI I can remember over the years is Mrs. Pindling looking down on the average Bahamian treating those not on her level with contempt, living the fabulous life, looking pretty and smiling, drinking and eating the best of everything, buying expensive clothes, wine and travel galore! Don't say she was a part of the Women's Sufferage Movement because she wasn't and don't say she was a part of the struggle for equality and independence of our nation, because she wasn't!! Oh, she did help out the Red Cross when they sold tickets for their annual raffle and appeared on the election campaigns with her late husband and the current prime minister!! We need to stop putting these political personas on a pedestal cause all of our blood runs red and all of us have taxes and bills to pay no matter your position in life!!


Posted 20 June 2014, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Your want the PM start talking gobbledygook eh, that's way tooooooooooo much hard work for him to even attempt!!

mangogirl01 says...

The road works were a necessity and long overdue but we know the PLP is not known for hard work, always taking the easy route. Too, the govt. did not have a choice but to borrow the money externally and had to go with whom the lender chose to do the works so stop talking crap. Other Bahamian contracters were sub-contracted with Hot Mix being one of them!! Mr. Symonette's hand was never in the cookie jar and you can't say the same with this crew who in office now!!

On Inappropriate behaviour?

Posted 17 June 2014, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Birdiestrachan, governments when voted out of office leaves behind debts but come on, we can see where the FNM spend the money but where has the PLP spend the $1.5 Billion and don't say urban renewal, lol!

mangogirl01 says...

Lol, yeah only 285 looking for jobs!! They should be dancing in the streets at their magic!!

mangogirl01 says...

SG is a pompous one, the PLP under PGC was never known to do things the right way, the hard way, always taking damn shortcuts!!