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mangogirl01 says...

These the same damn people who are die-hard PLPs!! Pindling and PLP spoiled all of them over the years with their entitlement attitude because they are Bahamians. That area is stink and disgusting and the vendors don't give a shit about how it looks!

mangogirl01 says...

No Birdiestrachan, cronyism started under Pindling and the PLP who wrote the book on it! Now they are doing it without shame and blatantly in our faces, today! Where the hell did Darrell Rolle come from! Honestly, I thought he had died!

Too, the FNM did not sell BTC, its was privatized - some people just don't know the difference!

mangogirl01 says...

Trust me, plenty people are keeping lists of the PLPs scandals and corruption and its more than one page!

mangogirl01 says...

The country cannot take another 5-years of PGC and the PLP!

mangogirl01 says...

On point! Dr. Minnis, as hard as he is trying needs to realize that he just don't have the 'it' factor but he is so intent on his goal of been prime minister, he refuses to accept reality!

mangogirl01 says...

I'm so tired of this! Its overkill now! Put it to rest!

mangogirl01 says...

Young man, know that God doesn't hate you for been gay, he loves you and died for your sins! You cannot help who you are, who you are attracted to sexually as you were born that way. There are some persons out there who choose to be gay for financial means and/or wants to experiment sexually so in that aspect they have a choice! Get the thought of suicide out of your head as that is a sin that God hates! You was created in his image and he loves you for you no matter what! Who knows, you may be our next prime minister, years down the line. Stay strong, speak with people who can help you get the negatives thoughts out of your mind! Talk to your parents although it may not be easy it is something that you have to do. Who knows, they may already know and understand your struggle. Live is too short and beautiful for you spend another minute thinking like that! Love yourself!

On The truth about being gay

Posted 15 February 2016, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

**Me thinks Pintard is been sarcastic! :-)**

On FNM ‘most powerful political organisation’

Posted 11 February 2016, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

My grandfather from Cat Island told us the same story you mentioned and other about Sir Roland's generousity to him and many others. Too, many people do not know (or refuse to believe) that it was actually Sir Roland who invented the Urban Renewal concept and years later Sir A.D. Hanna mentioned the idea to PM Christie who in his first term as prime minister bought it up again and took credit for it since. We really need to do better with our Bahamian History in this country!

mangogirl01 says...

You are so right! Dr. Minnis should know that it is impossible to have a party of supporters faithful to him, alone. He made the mistake of not embracing Mr. Ingraham as an advisor in his, Minnis, new role as party leader and the results are what we have today. Just recently Mr. Ingraham said Dr. Minnis has not seek his advice going forward so Dr. Minnis if you read this, please, please, for the seek of the country and party, embrace Mr. Ingraham as an advisor and hire a new PR firm (if you don't have one) cause these off-the-cuff press releases by you is doing more harm than good to you and the party!

On Patronage and purges

Posted 10 February 2016, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal