Comment history

marrcus says...

The family has had property seized before. I don't think they gonna lay down on this.…

On Wind-up delay gives Baha Mar resolution time

Posted 27 October 2015, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

"jokey town resort"

On Wind-up delay gives Baha Mar resolution time

Posted 27 October 2015, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Where did this guy come from. He is not elected. Must have been appointed.

marrcus says...

Carl Bethel (FNM) would have won Sea Breeze if he had Alfred Poitiers (DNA) 543 votes. Instead we have Hope Strachan (PLP) and so on and so on. There are 15 other constituencies that got turned over this way. Its a "numbers" game, and PLP are much better at it. Get used to it.

marrcus says...

I think its safe to say that one vote for DNA is one vote less for FNM. (or vice versa) Lets be honest, PLP are loyal to the end. Cold day in hell before they vote against party lines. IF you accept this premise, the numbers would reveal a much different outcome. 2012 election results (seats) plp 29 fnm 9 dna 0............if dna/fnm were a single ticket and you added their votes together, the result is much different. plp 14 fnm/dna 24. Numbers don't lie. IF Ralph Nader was not on the Ballot in Florida in 2000, Al Gore would have been president....what a different world this would be now. (I think we can all agree on this) Bottom line, 3 party politics are ripe with unintended consequences. Fresh blood, new ideas, transparency etc etc are all GREAT things, but the unintended result is the opposite of everything we seek. PLP forever. Get used to it.

marrcus says...

2012 election results - Bamboo Town
Renward Wells PLP 1,940 39.18%
Cassius Stuart FNM 1,661 33.54%
Branville McCartney DNA 1,022 20.64%
Craig Butler IND 329 6.64%

Y'all see what Bran did? He split the FNM vote and Renward won.
AND PLP will win again, and again, and again.
If I was PLP running in Bamboo Town, or ANY other town, I would donate monies to the DNA campaign, cause a split vote is a vote for PLP.
PLP forever...........get used to it.

marrcus says...

According to a letter sent to one employee, which was seen by The Tribune, Mr Rahming asked the worker to return all company property and “reimburse the company with all salary and benefit payments received after the date from which you commenced employment with another company.”

not only have they lost their jobs, but they have to give the money back .............
PLP forever..........Get used to it.