Comment history

marrcus says...

september 24th is the last post from NEMA.
Did they close down due to the hurricane?

marrcus says...

spell check....c'mon mr Johnson......let us aspire to "avocado republic."

marrcus says...

This is the plain truth..........DNA votes drew mostly FNM supporters, and probably will again. PLP is here for good. Get used to it.

marrcus says...

Joaquin is french for "Jokey."
Dem Jokey leaders................
Joaquin is to Perry what Katrina was to Bush? (that aint no joke)

marrcus says...

“We have to see this again as a teachable moment and to ensure that provisions are put in place to not have a repeat of the same mistake,”

Hurricane aint even pass yet, and he admits defeat.... How much more much more?

marrcus says...

How many "teachable moments" can we withstand...... lord help us.

marrcus says...

Baha Mar Sues Construction Company In Uk High Court
Tribune - July 1st edition..............So? What happens there?

On Baha Mar’s Chapter 11 case is thrown out

Posted 16 September 2015, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

And now.......Bahamian contractors get 10 cents on the dollar. Just like the AG said.

marrcus says...

Baha Mar has gone on record through the chapter 11 filing of paying 100 per cent, or to "make whole", outstanding debts to local contractors. What will the AG present for the record? Where is this 10% over 5 years coming from? Maybe thats their (PLP) plan for Bahamian contractors? Please Ms. AG, show us where this is written. Thank you in advance, I am certain you have it at your fingertips.

On ‘Sarkis told me: Local contractors get 100%’

Posted 10 September 2015, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal