Comment history

marrcus says...

Please don't invest any more money in this department. Instead, build out free broadband, we can get all the doppler we want if we have broadband.

marrcus says...

Its going to be a long slow grind, but DNA will overtake the FNM.
Regardless, by splitting the vote, neither will ever come to power again.
PLP forever, get used to it.
Hey KB...... how is that for a song title?
"PLP forever, get used to it."

marrcus says...

Is it possible, in this world of twisted plots, that the PLP election fund has promised funds to the DNA election fund. We already know from past elections that the price to buy the Bahamas is $5M. Seems like throwing Bran $1M would be a good strategy.

On Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Posted 14 September 2016, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

plp forever.........."get used to it!".......

On Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Posted 14 September 2016, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

goodbye bees and butterflies

On Govt to spend $2.5m monthly on fighting Zika

Posted 6 September 2016, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

In the case of "Willie VS Nilly" it was ruled that the biggest hog(s) (Willie) is(are) not entitled to consume the trough leaving nothing for the rest. (Nilly)

On Baha Mar creditors to get ‘about $100m’

Posted 31 August 2016, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

The government has most likely made a deal whereby they will pay outstanding Bahamian Contractor debt in exchange for ramping up and opening the resort. 70 million is a small price to pay for this resort to be finished. What the government will do next, is cherry pick "loyal" contractors and pay them almost all of their outstanding debt for their support in 2017. Those not "loyal" will get the shaft. That is politics my friends. PGC is a master politician. FNM would do the same. Facts of life.

marrcus says...

The "All inclusive" model does very little for the Bahamian economy beyond the gates. This is a similar model to the cruise ship deal, except on the cruise ship they charge for drinks (all drinks) and at least then passengers come ashore for a meal and shopping. There is no incentive for Sandals guests to spend money beyond the gates. No incentive to leave the property. The "All inclusive" model should be revisited in the best interest of ALL bahamians. Not just the bulk suppliers.

marrcus says...

I've been in the Design Industry my whole life. Whenever a developer has a butt ass ugly building, thay always render it with vegetation crawling all over it. In your minds eye, remove all that green (which will never be there except for the coconut trees) and tell me what you see...........butt ass ugly. My 2 cents.

On INSIGHT: The Bahamas cannot be for sale

Posted 21 June 2016, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

"Ok so Steve Mckinney just reported that CCA owns Bahamar.....yes ppl the Chinese Construction Company.the SAME one in that owns the HILTON.....they are the "new owners". And he goes on to say the Chinese has demanded a list of fifteen things of which 13 sign off already. Some we have already heard like they don't want to pay custom duty, no VAT no casino tax, they are demanding 500 bahamian citizenships for 500 chinese billionaires. But wait for it guys....they have demanded 1200 new work permits for Chinese workers AND....are you listening AND half of the three hundred plus million it will take to finish bahamar. Yes ppl they not only want tax exemptions, work permits and citizenshipssss...
They want us to pay to be goosied. Let's pray Steve Mckinney is wrong...oh yeah it was also mentioned that the Chinese has been given a bahamian island off Acklins to harvest Cascarilla tree/bark.. the thing used in perfumes. And YUP you guessed it no bahamians allowed!!! But we still believe in YOU though...mmmm "

On Baha Mar plan aims for swift completion

Posted 20 June 2016, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal