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meltaway77 says...

He does not lead by example. He is out trying to victimize someone for leaking his bill but he should have stepped up and said you know what me being the chairman this should not be my bill. Why is it that he has YET to pay that from what I understand. He should have fought fire with fire and facebook the pic of the bill paid and a zero balance. The idle threats about locking up 600 persons is a bunch a bull.. he or no one else in this country have the balls for that. Those 600 person have 6000 people in their families or more... The PLP would open a can that they would assistance to close after that. He need to sit small with that threat... him and Shane... Clearly the young lady was a good employee because very rare you see others willing to march for someone who was disgusting and a troublemaker.. all the things surrounding her should be considered…

On Reader's views on the BEC standoff

Posted 4 April 2013, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal