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mferguson says...

I've heard way too many times "it doesn't matter who the Prime Minister is, because God is the true leader" or "It's just politics it doesn't really matter, just love people in your life!"


The only people that I've seen say that are the people who are privileged, who don't have to worry about unemployment or seeing their relatives and neighbors gunned down in the street. They aren't losing sleep over living in sub standard condition, totting water or using an outside toilet, over not having health insurance or discriminatory laws, over losing their land and jobs to foreigners.

I am not referring to Plp's, DNA or FNM supporters, this is to people who "don't want to get political", who refuse to stand up for their country and hold the government accountable, they just remain silent, They want us to move on and just all get along.

Who cares that our country is being sold to the highest bidder, that our leaders are promoting violence against its citizenry in the House of Assembly and in the media, that the country's murder rate is in the top 10% per capa over the last 5 year.

If you aren't fighting against this injustice, you are supporting it, period. Yes love people and be kind, but at some point as Bahamians we must stand up, protect, defend and fight for this great country. Sir Lynden Pindling once said, "if the Bahamian people aren't prepared to fight for their country, they don't deserve it".

If you aren't stepping out of your safe bubble, if you aren't feeling uncomfortable, if you aren't fighting against government's injustice, then I'm gonna need you to stop pretending that love and kindness are guiding you. For everyone else, this isn't "politics", this is real life.

I tip my hat to those who participated in the "we march" on Hero's Day, for you are indeed heroes.