Comment history

micander says...

I is about time that we hold the illegals accountable. They have to return some contribution back into our system. Most come and take, take and take. Hospital, school, NIB, social services when will it end. We need to get a handle on this.The nay-Sayers need to give and alternative oor be quiet.

micander says...

Mr. Paul Thompson Sr. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

On Cracking down on criminals

Posted 30 July 2014, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

micander says...

Back and forth, back and forth. However, be it known , we bring nothing into this world and we can take nothing out. God has a way of righting all wrongs. That rich gentleman, how was his wealth obtained? Why were his heirs left out? Who was this young woman that he wanted, supposedly, to leave as his heir? God knows. Mr. Davis, if he has done wrong, will in due course get his just deserts also. God is in control. So, my people cease the unholy banter and let us live in love, for God is love.

micander says...

the honest man has nothing to fear from the law for God is on his side.

micander says...

How come we don't publish the comments in favor of Dr. Smith? Why just the nay Sayers? Are we now distancing ourselves from objective journalism? Come on now we need to lay aside our biases when reporting.