Comment history

mikeT says...

Maybe the authorities should give them a hand before complaining! I lived in a similar place a couple of years ago, and the only decent thing about it was the fact that there was a roof above my head! I complained about many thing but nothing got fixed.. we did everything, although we also payed rent! Like if you have a similar pest problem, like I did, just <a href="…">click here</a> and you'll get in touch with some guys who really helped me when I was in need!

mikeT says...

I heard, some time ago, that these guys can build anything in record time! So, I contacted them and, together with the people I found on <a href=""></a>, website they recommended, I finished the office building I wanted in record time! If anyone is in need of serious contractors, I'd recommend them anytime!

mikeT says...

People are, most of the times, afraid to report such cases... the aggressor may come back and do more harm the next time. People have to know that reporting should be always the first thing to do.. after that, I'd recommend contacting the <a href="">Darrow</a> Law agency, as they can most definitely help you make a solid case and win the trial, thus stopping the abuse!

mikeT says...

When it comes to insurance companies, either the private ones or the NIB, they all seen to have but one purpose: to get as much as they can from anyone! doesn't matter if they are right or wrong... For those of you who have had to pay or didn't receive the money you were suppose to, take a look <a href="http://socialsecuritydisabilityappeals.…">over at this website</a> and you'll surely find the answer! I know I did!

mikeT says...

There are many people working all over the country in various stores, from butcheries and auto-shops to jewelry and <a href="…">DelightBeads</a> stores. They only make an honest dollar so, I think the work permits proposal law should be taken seriously, as these people contribute to the economy of our country, although they may be foreigners!

On Work permit proposals 'not firm policy'

Posted 4 June 2014, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

mikeT says...

I've seen another hotel built by the same construction company> from what I could gather, the handled every detail of the building, including the interior decorations! I remember seeing the rooms, and most of all, the <a href="">bedroom furniture</a> and being in awe of amazement! It had one of the most interesting architecture with a perfect match of the furniture!

mikeT says...

This is one of the best things the minister could have done! The number of patients was increasing and it was really important for a new hospital to be built! I am also very happy because, every new building requires, in order to be built, a lot of supplies and that means for all the companies specialized in this area, a huge sale. I actually read that websites like <a href="…">…</a> are, sometimes, almost impossible to access as they have so many orders. usually, this happens in the spring, when people start building.

On Minister announces new hospital for GB

Posted 4 May 2014, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

mikeT says...

in many countries, the lottery and betting industries create the biggest revenues for the government... I my country, these two industries are surpassed only by a real estate <a href="…">company</a> which has amazing offers; taking what I said into account, it's should be normal for governments take great interest in promoting these industries!

mikeT says...

when it comes to the security of my home and family, nothing is too good or too expensive. To ensure this, I tries to monitor most of my home and yard.

mikeT says...

The technology era offers many possibilities, but people have to be open to embrace them. In my country, authorities choose to do thing "old-fashion way" and I was actually delighted to see that this is not the general opinion word-wide. After all, technology is developed to help man in everyday life. Just looking at websites, just like <a href=""></a> , we can see how fast technology advances. We have to make use of it!