Comment history

milesair says...

Look, I am not going to argue with an idiot who believes everything that he hears on Faux News, the political propaganda station. You have to be able to prove that you are a U.S. citizen in order to vote or have naturalization papers. You are so full of crap with your anti-democratic fascist horse $hit that you have me laughing. Your a joke right? Try to be a comedian somewhere else. You are just plain out of what's left of your mind and all of your B.S. just proves it. You and tribanon should get married. I am sure that you'd make a lovely pair! Question is, which one of you is the bottom? I won't be back to find out so just STFU! Take your B.S. and shove it! And I don't care what you do about it......Idiot!

milesair says...

Everything that you say about American politics is pure propaganda. You are obviously NOT an American. I don't make comments about Bahamian politics because I am NOT a Bahamian and am not arrogant enough to do so. You can't vote in the U.S. so STFU!

milesair says...

Just more fake news from the Faux news spokesman! You wouldn't know the truth, only right-wing propaganda from the real false news source for the GOP!

milesair says...

And you have no sense of equality so just go to sleep!!

milesair says...

You got that right. tribanon needs to see a shrink about his own homophobia, what's he scared of?

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 14 June 2021, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

The right-wingers utter everything said by the loser Trump without any proof other than his utterings which he mostly pulled out of his butt! We don't need facts cause Trump said so. When there is factual proof provided by a reasonable source that the Chinese are responsible I would consider it, otherwise blaming the Chinese is just another way to spread hatred against a certain group which is something the human race has an affinity for. Some of us actually want REAL proof and not just inuendo!

milesair says...


On Two VAT holidays to help families cope

Posted 3 June 2021, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Your right about tribanon. He slept through school and peddles ignorance daily! He loves a fascist dictator wanna-be by the name of tRump!

milesair says...

You probably did the same thing in school which would explain your ignorance!

milesair says...

You could say the same thing about Faux News. Won't watch or listen to any of the corporate media propaganda machines!

On Virus investigation

Posted 2 June 2021, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal