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misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

We must not be so quick to assume that he was not wearing a seat belt my friend. Seat belts are only one aspect of a safety restraint system (SRS) that protects a driver in the event of a collision. The airbags play a more crucial role in protecting ones head and ultimately their brain in the event of an accident. The unfortunate thing is that too many vehicles on the road do not have functioning airbags, either because they have already deployed in a previous accident and have never been replaced or the car never had one, as is the case with most older model vehicles. However i do agree with you that there are many drivers on the road who do not even attempt to wear their seat beat and there for increase the risk of such an injury.

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

Well they did have an impact on crime alright, i'm sure they gave out many tickets for traffic offenses. Bahamian crime fighting at its best.

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

If his account of the story is true ... it is so unfortunate that he found himself in such a situation. however this is a common scenario for most who live or frequent high crime areas/communities. I remember my brother and i found ourselves in a similar situation a few years ago, walking in oaks field minding our own business heading home. Then suddenly we noticed three men heading in our direction, two on foot and one on a bicycle (yes a bicycle). One of them then asked "where yal goin soulja", now for anyone who has ever been robbed or assaulted before, that isn't something that you want to hear from a stranger. So we looked at each other and my brother said get ready to run... but before we could even get set the gentleman on the bike raised his shirt and pulled a hand gun and said don't run. Now call me whatever you want but our flight response kicked in and we took off, but then a fourth of july celebration began behind us and before we knew it we were face down in the dirt with a knee in our backs and the three men identifying themselves as police.Then they asked the most amazing question i have ever heard in my life "why the f*** yal try run".... REALLY?? ..... so am i to think that you pulling a gun because you want a stick of gum??....maybe just maybe if you had shown a badge and identified yourself we wouldn't have.

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

Come on man general ... really?

On Teenagers in hospital after hit-and-run

Posted 13 May 2014, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

I agree, i have lost two friends recently to this type of senseless killing and in their cases one simply had the misfortune of being the sibling of someone who decided that sex money and murder would be his mantra and the other was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately we live in a nation where some young men have no respect for life, no morals and no positive ambition in life... all of this coupled with the fact some of them feel that it is easier to find a gun to take a life than spend a few minutes trying to resolve issues through communication.

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

I was thinking the same thing when i first read it.

On Life in jail for hitman

Posted 9 May 2014, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

I personally would have to agree with everyone who feels as though they "could" be spying on us...shame on those of you who do not give your fellow Bahamians credit for having the technological no how required to accomplish such a small task... for example... it is quite easy to track anyone's whereabouts nowadays that has a smart phone (which most of us do) by accessing their imei code from any third party app that we are so eager to download and utilize on a daily basis such as viber, whatsapp, or twitter to name a few.. and once acquired it doesn't take a M.I.T specialist to to intercept messages sent across such narrow frequency bands as the ones provided by our "awesome" service provider... and if all else fails the platform currently being utilized by our cellular service provider is not that hard to access contrary to what some may with all that being said.. that is not to say that they are definitely spying on the Bahamian public... but i would hope that it puts the notion to bed that Bahamians can not do it... if you are still skeptical about it ... all i need is 7 magical digits to find out where you will be spending happy hour and i can explain further over a cold one lol.

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

what ever happened to the good old days when if you had a dispute to settle everyone gathered around and the two involved had a simple fist fight and that settled it.... stabbed to death over a dollar??? smh...

misunderstoodyoungbahamian says...

It is unfortunate that the bishop finds himself in a position where his credibility is being questioned and his image being tarnished. However after reading some of the screenshots i personally feel like it "may" be a set up because it just seems to corny lol. But if it is not, hopefully he will learn that we live in the age of technology, so if he wants to sneak around, eating p's and dishing out the preacher's special like false promises around election time... don't use social media, text messages or email ... go old school and meet in person to talk nasty... go to goodmans bay like the rest of us ...hell .. write a note even...