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momoyama says...

Just how can you be so unintelligent??? Honestly.
Bahamians (the loose, partying set you decry) had beaten this virus down to FOUR active cases, before the Moron administration decided to open the borders to the epicentre of the virus in Florida. Yet it's the people's fault????

On 25 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 3 August 2020, 3:57 a.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Where on earth do you get your classification information? Snails are NOT arthropods. They are mollusks and they do NOT have exoskeletons. They (usually, but not always) have shells. They are gastropods, closely related to cephalopods (octopuses and squids)

momoyama says...

These idiots YOU put in power. Some of us were smart enough to vote PLP

momoyama says...

You keep going on about this D- population. Do you know what it means? d is simply the middle letter between A and G, which says nothing really. What do you think the educational attainment of the average American is? A-plus?

The (British) ex-principal of St. Andrew's (where I had the misfortune to attend) was lost in amazement that Bahamians kept repeating this nonsense, which as meaningless and painted a totally false picture of educational attainment in The Bahamas.

Go visit a state school in Liverpool or Hull, then come back to The Bahamas and you will get an appreciation of what I mean. Sadly, it is a lack of exposure that seems to inform views like yours.

Look into things yourself, rather than just repeating things that seep into your head via popular chit chat.

momoyama says...

....actually, we should by now have totally released the domestic economy from lockdown, as we had beaten the spread of the virus before these FNM morons opened the borders. It is the closure of our borders to Americans that we should have maintained for as long as necessary.

momoyama says...

Gotta love these dense Americans. Say they'll deny us "aid". Exactly what "aid" does the Bahamas get from the USA? You mean a couple of Navy surplus boats every few years so that we can help them police their marine borders for the drugs for which their addicted population is creating all the international demand?
FYI, the Bahamas is a high income country and does not qualify for traditional "aid". All we have to do is grow up and start taxing the rich rather than the poor (like everyone except us does, including the USA) and we can afford to remain locked down for at least a year - which we may need to do until the hapless US government gets this virus under control in their own country.

momoyama says...

You are either an FNM cabinet minister with nothing to do (like the rest of them) or somebody being paid by them to spout brainless propaganda. Either way, you are tiresome.

momoyama says...

Perhaps I did not express myself properly in my haste and frustration in responding to some of the earlier comments.

What I mean't to say that US persons who own a residence in France are not thereby subject to French income tax on their income that continues to be made in the United States. I am very aware of the US government's own policies on taxes on worldwide income. I am also very aware of the UK's very different stance.

However, the point I was making is that, in neither case would my call for taxes on high incomes generated in the Bahamas result in a US or UK national who merely resides here being taxed on his overseas income. The same would hold with French taxing officials, who would not tax income made in the US (or UK) by persons merely resident in France.

As for your reference to US worldwide income taxation, it underlines my point that there is zero tax advantage to becoming a resident in The Bahamas for a US resident, hence it is not a factor in their deciding to do so. As for UK individuals, we (the Bahamas) become no more or less attractive to them as residents on account of whether or not we have local income tax, since such local income tax will not affect them.

Bear in mind that foreign residents of The Bahamas are, except in exceptional circumstances, prevented from engaging in the local economy as income earners. So our having a local income tax does not affect them.

momoyama says...

Political ambitions? You must be kidding.

momoyama says...

As per your comment about my understanding of these things, I hold a masters degree from the University of London in Corporate and Trust law and have been practicing law in the areas of high end real estate and offshore work since 1997.
If you think that foreign residents live here because of income tax then you simply have no idea what you are talking about. Do you know what income tax is? It is tax on income earned in The Bahamas. By definition, foreign residents whose wealth comes from abroad (which it has to if they come here wealthy) CANNOT pay tax on that wealth earned outside the Bahamas.

You are making the same mistake of many Bahamians (including, sadly , politicians) who confuse onshore and offshore wealth. only wealth produced in the bahamas would be taxed by a Bahamian income tax. So what on EARTH are you talking about?????

Do you think a wealthy American who moves to France will pay tax on his US income while in France??

People who come here for tax purposes come to conduct offshore banking, establish trusts etc. They are usually NOT resident and are not to be confused with people who come here because they want a home in a beautiful part of the world. Tax is NOT a major consideration. In fact, as a high cost place to live, no costs are a major deterrent to foreign residents. Otherwise they would not be in a country in which every single cost factor (power, transport, food and especially land) are comparatively very high priced.

Please try to get these things straight before you offer strong opinions on them.