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moncurcool says...


What FNMs support McCartney who tried to tear the party apart because he could not get his way. And Minnis who won't support Pintard since he is not the leader anymore.

Minnis/McCartney to lead? Jokes - Yes?

On Pintard: I’ll win leadership vote

Posted 30 April 2024, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Two has beens who need to exit politics immediately, going after each other, while more critical issues to the relevance of The Bahamas hang in the balance, and they are oblivious to it.

Hope 2026 permanently sends them both home.

moncurcool says...

Please. Because no way can there be a going back to Minnis.

On Pintard: I’ll win leadership vote

Posted 30 April 2024, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Hopefully people learn from history not to repeat it. Christie was worst the second time. However, he was still leader of his party. He never left after he lost the election the first time.

Minnis will be trying to become leader of his party, and hopefully FNMs will be smart enough to not even let him see the victory circle for party leader.

Minnis needs to retire and be a statesman, and give counsel.

On Minnis: The nation will know if I run

Posted 29 April 2024, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> And this newspaper can disclose that
> the Government is directing “a legal
> force of hurricane strength” to lead
> its legal strategy. That perhaps
> unfortunate description, given
> Freeport’s recent history, is the
> billing given to Harry Matovu KC, the
> UK-based barrister from Brick Court
> Chambers, who sources said was present
> at last week’s negotiations and will
> head the Government team in its
> arbitration battle.

So the government, that should believe in Bahamians first, is hiring a foreigner to lead its case in The Bahamas?

On GBPA braces for govt to launch arbitration

Posted 29 April 2024, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Please stay away. Your era is over.

On Minnis: The nation will know if I run

Posted 29 April 2024, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Who does this?

A company that can'f function now as one, will be divided into 3 non functioning companies that the government could use to stash cronies it wants to give jobs to? So from 1 worthless State own agency, to 3 worthless state own agencies?


2026 cannot come soon enough.

On BPL ‘could be divided into three’

Posted 26 April 2024, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

This government is trying to shake down the GBPA.

Why the hell we want URCA in Freeport, and they can even do their job in Nassau?

moncurcool says...

That is what the minister needs to talk about, rather than trying to steal more money from the Bahamian people with this ponzi scheme.

moncurcool says...

Davis is not spot on. He is trying to change the narrative.

The issue is not whether women have a work position. The issue is whether women can pass on citizenship to their children if they are born outside the country. This is what he should speak too.

Or speak to the issue of statelessness, as that is not such a thing.

But Davis will never speak to an issue.