Comment history

moncurcool says...

This government only cares about lining their pockets and that of those connected to them. They will never take a pay cut or reduce their spending.

That is what happens when you allow a man who has never done anything in all the time he has been an MP for his constituency be PM. He only wants to get the perks of trveling.

That is why 2026 cannot come fast enough. Time to vote them out.

moncurcool says...

So has BPL stopped using Bunker C fuel?

How do we want to hold other countries accountable, and we cannot even hold our own selves accountable?

moncurcool says...

Does this really impact a student going outside of our country to higher education? Last i check, school either look for BGCSE or AP passes.

This council seems to imply that not being accredited impacts students being accepted to universities.

On the other hand, the excuse by the acting director of education for the public schools not being registered holds no water. How long does it take them to do that, when the Act was here since 2006, and the Council has been around since 2016?

moncurcool says...

Yet, if I want to do an online transfer of even $1 from my Bahamian account to my child's in college US bank account, the bank requires me to get Central Bank approval to do so.

Some liberalization.

moncurcool says...

Agree with you.

Same I did, as I knew it had to be the brown noser writing it

On PM is well suited for finance role

Posted 21 March 2024, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Maybe I am missing something, but why would a country ship a product to another country to be stored, and then have the placed where it is stored ship it to the final destination, when they can store it in their own country and then ship it directly as needed?

Think Associated Grocers found out that doesn't work. Besides, I would think that only increases the final cost.

moncurcool says...

Head down does not speak of seniority. Speaks more of fear and feeling less than.

moncurcool says...

Prayer tell why Bellot Road is freshly paved, and Fire Trail Road, Cowpen Road, Blue Hill Road South and East Street South, roads that are much more traversed and terrible, cannot be paved.

moncurcool says...

So sad that it takes a crisis in Haiti for the government to do what was recommended years ago.

Maybe the time has come to move the Defense Force Base to Inagua, and to ensure dusk and dawn patrols are done by helicopter/planes at our southern border daily.

moncurcool says...