Comment history

moncurcool says...

> Mr Sumner said not only is it
> necessary to raise National Insurance
> Board (NIB) contribution rates, but
> the government must also pay NIB
> arrears.
> “The government is one of NIB’s largest debtors and we need to pursue
> recovering the funds from the
> government, not a PLP or FNM
> government –– the government of The
> Bahamas owes NIB significant sums of
> money from what I recall,” he told
> reporters after an unrelated event.

First, it is not necessary to raise NIB. It is necessary to deal with all the wasted expenditure, the excessive salaries, the use as a slush fund, and the money owed NIB by government.

Second, if a business owes NIB, NIB goes after them and charges interest. The government owes NIB and nothing is done. Go figure.

moncurcool says...

> Mr Sumner said not only is it
> necessary to raise National Insurance
> Board (NIB) contribution rates, but
> the government must also pay NIB
> arrears.
> “The government is one of NIB’s largest debtors and we need to pursue
> recovering the funds from the
> government, not a PLP or FNM
> government –– the government of The
> Bahamas owes NIB significant sums of
> money from what I recall,” he told
> reporters after an unrelated event.

First, it is not necessary to raise NIB. It is necessary to deal with all the wasted expenditure, the exessive salaries, the use as a slush fund, and the money owed NIB by government.

Second, if a business owes NIB, NIB goes after them and charges interest. The government owes NIB and nothing is done. Go figure.

moncurcool says...

Some people really put their heads in the sand.

First, the constitution does not speak to christian values. It is the preamble, which holds no constitutional weight, that references christian values.

Second, even though the preamble says christian values, it does not mean everyone practices that.

Third, how many Bahamians just horoscope, halloween, coco soup, and all other kinds of practices do practice obeah in the Bahamas.

Because one is a christian does not mean everyone else.

On Obeah not a cultural norm here

Posted 11 March 2024, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Trying to figure out the traffic collision, if he lost control and was thrown from the scooter.

moncurcool says...

URCA is a complete waste that needs to be disbanded.

No way should they be doing this to private entities. They should have a cap on the percentage they allowed to charge, and if they then are not able to operate in that amount, they must reduce expenses.

But typical like the government, they just want to tax businesses, and not reduce their expenses

moncurcool says...

Here we go agin. Happened between these two on BPL about who lied on seeing fuel hedge info.

Now we have same on NIB ponzi scheme increase.

This NEW day has gone stale so quickly. Time to go.

moncurcool says...

Is there any information on the standings? Are only 3 schools competing?

moncurcool says...

This from he same guy when he delivered the budget last year said their were no new taxes. Anything coming from his mouth is truly unbelievable.

moncurcool says...

> Both Mr Smith and Mr Adams declined to
> comment when contacted by this
> newspaper yesterday. However, it is
> also understood that the Government
> has hired a London-based law firm,
> Simons Muirhead Burton, to represent
> it and help argue its case should it
> progress to actual arbitration.

So the Bahamas Government, which is supposed to be about Bahamians, hire a foreign firm? Wow.