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moncurcool says...

I think? So the COP does not know?

The headline is inaccurate.

moncurcool says...

If what the writer says it so, you mean for all these years we have had governments, from both sides, breaking the law after prorogation of Parliament?


On Writ rules not being followed

Posted 2 October 2023, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

This PM travels more that all the leaders of the G20 combined. And what are we getting in return?

moncurcool says...

Why add a third one to bring down the prices for the population?

We have all sorts of banks, and food stores, and other entities, but can't have 3 phone companies?

URCA really is a waste of time.

moncurcool says...

Exactly. You are correct

Why add a department that the director of labor should be able to stop with not issuing a labor certificate. And Immigration simply not issue a permit. Or when the permit is issued, it has a time frame and a name of an understudy must be submitted, and once permit up, no more renewals for any foreigner.

Cayman has it working, why can['t we?

We just like to employ more people to do what someone else is already doing

moncurcool says...


Defending fake news now? WOW

On Munroe defends scheme he said was fake news

Posted 21 September 2023, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

The COP is another example of what happens when you put incompetent people in top positions who are incapable of leadership based on political patronage.

moncurcool says...

> bahamas Power & Light told the
> Utilities Regulation and Competition
> Authority that fuel charges have
> peaked, and customers can expect lower
> rates beginning this month.

These people really believe we fools and only live in a bubble that we only get information from what they say. How is that so and the price of oil on the market is going up now?

moncurcool says...

> “Even a dog, if he does something
> good, the handler, awards him,” he
> said. “Let me tell you a story. Just
> last week, during an operation, our
> canine unit, the handler took him into
> some deep bushes where we suspected
> there were drugs and firearms. The
> canines were able to recover a lot of
> drugs in that area.

This COP has to be seriously or knowledge. So he compares the police to dogs? I guess that is why so many behave the way they do.

So the COP say police need rewards to do their job in addition to their salaries? WOW.

This so call rewards is ripe for abuse and corruption. Expect pullovers just to increase their points for the reward.

> National Security Minister Wayne
> Munroe had previously dismissed the
> competition as fake news, but
> Commissioner Fernander confirmed and
> defended its existence yesterday.

So the hand does not know what the foot is doing?

moncurcool says...

> Of the total $380,631 in assets
> realised from Bobcat’s winding-up,
> some $137,717 - 36.2 percent or more
> than one-third - were required to
> cover the liquidation’s costs,
> including those of the Crowe Bahamas
> accountants and their attorneys. Some
> $74,633 was also set aside to complete
> outstanding expenses likely to be
> incurred in completing Bobcat’s
> wind-up.

Is this for real? The liquidators get 1/3 and the staff not even 10%?

On Insolvent contractor’s staff recover just 10%

Posted 13 September 2023, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal