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moncurcool says...

> On Sunday, Sun Oil Chairman Sir
> Franklyn Wilson told The Tribune that,
> to his knowledge, the company was
> fined, but he could not recall how
> much.
> Asked if he believes the attorney
> general should reveal the fine amount,
> he said the country faces more
> pressing issues.

All I can say is WOW. Just unbelievable.

moncurcool says...

Mitchell needs to stand in front of the high Rock and McLean's Town schools and talk of how the government cannot even rebuild those schools before pointing fingers at the GBPA.

You are correct, he is the voice of mistruths and misinformation.

moncurcool says...

I can respect a leader who defends and then also admits issues that need to be resolve. An MP form Grand Bahama, Pintard understands the needs of GB, unlike the PM and his need to go Foreign Minister.

Maybe rather than just seeing GB as a cash cow, political leaders need to sit down and dialogue to be able to bring the best out of GB and use it as a model for further development of the Family Islands, since governments only want to develop New Providence.

On GBPA threats ‘bad judgment’ by PM

Posted 25 August 2023, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Another ignorant cabinet minister, who does not even represent Grand Bahama, sprouting nonsense. Amazing how government cannot take care of East End and West End. Imagine if government get control of Freeport? Grand Bahama would become another neglected Family Island by the government that dies.

moncurcool says...

How the heck is the oil spill by Sun Oil a confidential settlement? Am I missing something here?

Oh, forgot about the PLP who owns it?

Talk about a party that looks out for its' own.

This is just unbelievable . You can't make this stuff up if you try.

moncurcool says...

Ignorance is no excuse. She resigns and expects to receive something? Really?

You can't do stupid in a huff and puff without thinking first.

moncurcool says...

What wealth creation for Bahamians?

How many Bahamians will be signing the front of the check as a result of this?

moncurcool says...

Typical PLP supporters and how they operate.

Since when does a person not have a right to run in any constituency they choose?

Actions of that nature should have them jailed.

moncurcool says...

How many Bahamians will be able to sign the front of the check and not the back from this?

moncurcool says...

You are so correct.

This really has me nervous. These people do not know how to work a budget or balance sheet.

How the hell you trying to figure out what was spent?

Imagine if businesses in this country operated like this NEW Day government?