Comment history

moncurcool says...

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil if for good men to do nothing. The grass better do nothing, otherwise the grass will suffer.

moncurcool says...

And the PLP government was right up there supporting the Chinese to steal this man's hotel.

moncurcool says...

This has to be an April's Fool joke. What sensible thinking government seeks to force private entities to invest in government debt?

Oh, forgot, this what the NEW Day brings. Chaos.

moncurcool says...

An increasing number of Grand Bahamians are willing to give the central government a shot at managing Freeport. McAlpine and his camp are in the minority.

This letter writer needs to really go and get his head examined. What increasing number fo Grand Bahamians want to see the government take over Freeport, when it is clearly evident that the government cannot do anything with East End and West End, let alone the other Family Islands in the Bahamas.

You have to be mad to believe the government would be able to make a difference in running Freeport better.

Want bad roads in Freeport like in Nassau? Let the government take it over. Want your power always going off? Let government take it over.

moncurcool says...

Come one, don't thing that one is called for. Anyone who knows Rex Major through the years, whether you agree with what he said or not, knows that he has never been influenced by any political party or bowed to them.

moncurcool says...

My point pertains to human rights persons.

Let's speak to that issue first.

The larger point, even in religion, is that every one should have a balance view. While I may not agree with your view, at least it should be balanced.

moncurcool says...

> “People who work for 35 years with a
> particular company, you can’t explain
> to me or any rational Bahamian that
> they should only be paid for 26 weeks
> pay,” he said. “That just doesn’t make
> any sense, and that is something we
> have to change, and I mean change
> fundamentally.

People who work for 35 years get paid for 35 years. These union leaders who don't operate a business just like government. Trying just to take from people without giving anything.

These union leaders.

moncurcool says...

Sadly, even it continues for 10-14 days there won't be a change, as FOCOL has decided for political reasons not to join the rest to send a message. Some people want to protect thier political puppets rather than bring change.

moncurcool says...

These self called human rights people always have a one sided view of the issue, and it is a feminist view and not a human rights view. If it was a human rights view, then they would speak of ending the violence against women AND men.

moncurcool says...

> “We were of the impression that
> persons were aware of what he looked
> like,” he said. “And so sending out
> the MARCO alert, we assumed that there
> was an image of him out there but we
> are now going to embed a link into the
> message when we send them out to
> ensure that those persons that might
> not have seen a photo that the system
> will take them to a link that they can
> see a photo of the person who might be
> missing.”

Really? People suppose to know the picture of the person you looking for.

> As for why more Aliv customers
> appeared to get the notification than
> BTC customers, ACP Dames said people
> must change their phone settings to
> get the alert.

So an iphone on BTC has to change their settings to get the alert, but an ALIV iphone does not? Did these dudes test the system before putting it into use?