Comment history

mossdehav says...

Very good initiative.

mossdehav says...

***“Even as our nation’s leaders pledge their commitment to addressing high levels of crime in the country, it appears that this government, like others before it, is content to overlook criminal activity when it occurs in the upper echelons of our society,” he said. “The government should have moved by now to send a strong message to the people of this country that it is serious about addressing corruption at all levels and further, that no man or woman, irrespective of their political connections or influence is beyond the reach of the law.”***

What a beautiful quote filled with hard hitting facts that describe our exact attitudes toward criminal behavior in this country.

Whether you agree with Mr. McCartney's politics or not, the above quote cannot be refuted by anyone with any sound reasoning ability. As a Bahamian, I am so disappointed how blatant evidence of criminal behavior is swept under the rug time and time again.

Until our leaders have the conviction to realize that crime is crime and that you should be prosecuted no matter your political affiliation, I can't see any hope of a better country. Greg Moss likened the PLP and the FNM to a bus that changes drivers every five years.

If the DNA has the means to get the report stating the name of official X, then by all means I agree that they should move forthwith. Otherwise their commentary would be viewed as a smoke screen.

On DNA calls for police probe of BEC bribe

Posted 4 March 2015, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

You said it sir. There is nothing more to say.

mossdehav says...

Tourism Minister, Obie Wilchombe said he is not concerned about the delay in naming Carnival's headliner adding that "the goal has never been to let an international artist dominate the festival".

Pardon the interruption but isn't Carnival in May. How are we going to effectively market this event and get a good return for our dollar if we don't effectively market the "prime carnival performer"?

Isn't this person supposed to get at least a million dollars of our money? I would say that whoever this person is, they are going to dominate the festival whether it be by performance and discussion by the Bahamian public and the attendees to this event. So are they just going to show up on the day in question and perform? I don't understand the minister's rationale.

On Still no headliner for carnival

Posted 2 March 2015, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

I share your view, but when it comes to able bodied young men, (over 18) this has reached epidemic levels.

On Where has our pride gone?

Posted 21 February 2015, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

I believe the Mrs. Fox is on point. As a society, we don't take men performing sexual acts on under aged girls seriously. In fact, this is accepted as normal in many quarters. What a sad state we find ourselves in?

On Call for focus on domestic violence

Posted 9 February 2015, 10:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

I don't think there is a problem with our laws. We have a problem with law enforcement and it starts at the very top.

On Three held after woman shot dead

Posted 9 February 2015, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

Just sad, sad, sad. Condolences to the family.

On Police officer killed in motorcycle accident

Posted 2 February 2015, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

If the Public Service Commission was functioning effectively, then members of parliament would not be able to give constituents jobs. The MPs focus would be on true representation and the people who applied for government jobs would get them on merit only.

You mentioned testicular fortitude. This is a term not known in our governments. Our governments maintain 'the status quo'.

Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

On Working for government

Posted 1 February 2015, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

mossdehav says...

I think this is a valiant effort by Ms. Thompson. Maybe this will spur a sustained national campaign to bring national focus on what this man stood for, honesty, integrity and sound principles. I am surprised that Dr. Munroe's teachings is not being duplicated throughout the whole Bahamas to try to heal this nation. In my view he spoke with conviction on a lot of issues affecting our country and to keep his legacy alive can only bring forward positive outcomes for the Bahamas.