Comment history

mr1969mr says...

I agree and kudos to the pastor for speaking out. Its a real shame how these politicians have become so corrupt and destroying the country as we once knew it. These politicians no longer care about the Bahamas and its people, it seems they are only in position to line their pockets and make an grand exodus from a country that is falling apart and will fall apart even further as relations between the United States and Cuba grow. i think these politicians need to be held accountable and each and everyone one of them from the top to the bottom, be investigated

On Fred Mitchell's threat

Posted 9 August 2015, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

mr1969mr says...

when it comes to the govt it all about who lines their pocket the most none of them are honest i dont care who it is

mr1969mr says...

Christie and the whole lot of them are dirty and playing a dirty game and it would be a shame for bahamians to standby and watch christie and company screw this man over

On CEO wants no hidden agendas

Posted 21 July 2015, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal