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mrknowitall says...

It amazing how some seem to criticize Christie on the action taken in this case. Baha Mar gives it's side of the story and so many are quick to jump on the kill Christie band wagon. If we would only remove our political bias out of the way, maybe we can be a little more reasonable in our assessment of the truth. Fact is, what ever we think of our Prime Minister we most or should respect the office. If we were to go back just a few months ago when the chief executive of Baha Mar addressed the Chamber of Commerce...he spoke with contempt and was very disrespectful to our Prime Minister and more importantly the office that he holds. This is unacceptable. I will not allow Baha Mar ( foreigners ) to explain away their actions and dismiss the Prime Ministers's position on the matter. Baha Mar should not be allowed to dictate to our Government, what it will or will not do...I say proceed Mr Christie and put this mess in order and put these rude investors who have no respect for Bahamians our Government in their place.