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mrsmith says...

Independence??? What independence?
Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19 have made clear that this nation is fully dependent on others.
Until The Bahamas changes its entire outlook on its existence and value, eliminate failed policies and move to the back of the line people whose interests in The Bahamas are self-oriented, the country will remain as is or rapidly worsen.
Nothing to look forward to unless innovative Bahamians innovate for ALL Bahamians
The end.

mrsmith says...

Not in my part of town. Any tips on how to eradicate those ‘nasty albino lizards’ that came in the imported palm trees and like to live inside your house? Talk about a real and disgusting invasive species!

mrsmith says...

Allen, please clarify:

“Bear in mind that foreign residents of The Bahamas are, except in exceptional circumstances, prevented from engaging in the local economy as income earners. So our having a local income tax does not affect them.“

There are foreigners resident - living and working - in The Bahamas on work permits, others with businesses in The Bahamas, and others still who have Bahamians fronting businesses for them.

Besides the fact that the income earned by these businesses in The Bahamas should be taxed by The Bahamas, via corporate tax, these persons are clearly not ‘prevented from engaging in the local economy as income earners.’