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mttyro says...


On An extra hour before curfew in new rules

Posted 2 December 2020, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal

mttyro says...

At least there is some type of effort to keep the economy from collapse.

Citizenship comes with the responsibility of sacrificing ones personal good for the good of the whole. It is up to all of us to ensure that those sacrifices are not excessive and that they are not done in vain.

I have yet to see anyone publish a plan that is better than this mashup we have now so I commend all for their efforts and patience.

mttyro says...

There is zero evidence that the previous corrupt government would have done any better under the circumstances.

Try criticizing a Bahamian Govt with the intention of pushing them to do better for all of us and not being a political hack who only cares about party politics.

All you party over country people need to become a thing of the past

On Gym owners slam closure as 'unfair'

Posted 28 July 2020, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

mttyro says...

There are aspects of this issue that reasonable folks can disagree upon. However when an entire article is written about shanty towns without addressing the inescapable fact that they exist outside of Bahamian law, one has to conclude that the author is dishonest and is using propaganda to further an agenda that is harmful to the Bahamian people.

The answer to why there is a no-rebuild order on Shanty towns is simple. They are do not follow the law in terms of building codes and permitting and therefore should not exist in the first place.
The basis of his argument is that some folks must follow the law while others must be allowed to knowingly break the law without consequences. He presents no argument as to why the Haitian community should receive this special treatment except to say that they have rights, but what he means is that they should have more rights than Bahamians in the Bahamas. He is not advocating that all building codes be abolished, only that one set of peple be allowed to disregard them.

Why, I ask, would a seemingly intelligent QC make such a nonsensical argument and dishonestly try to couch it as a human rights issue? Why will he not admit that the purpose of our building code is to save lives? How can he expect for a county with 400,000 people to open its borders to a country of over 10 million people?

Whatever his reasons, the impact of his agenda in the short term is to recklessly endanger the lives of both Haitians and Bahamians. In the long term, what happens when those that are loyal to the Bahamas and prioritize Bahamian culture, are outnumbered by a magnitude of 3 or even 10? You will inevitably see the erasure of an entire way of life that was built and nurtured through the blood and sweat of many.

Some will say that it is no great loss and that the plight and suffering of Haitians is more important than the comfort and convenience of Bahamians. But they never say that in public do they. They use dishonest propaganda to lull us into accepting the demise of the Bahamian experience without protest.

ALL people, including Bahamians, should have the right of self-determination. An attack on that right must be seen as an attack on the sovereignty and freedom of this nation and should be treated accordingly.

mttyro says...

Only 30 of 190 countries on the planet have birthright citizenship and for good reason.

Almost all states in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania grant citizenship at birth based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood), in which citizenship is inherited through parents not by birthplace

Common culture and language are key to avoiding chaos and maintaining stability within a nation. The problems associated with the current system are nothing compared to the genocides throughout history that occur when ideologies and interests collide.

mttyro says...

only 30 of 195 countries on the planet have birthright citizenship.

Almost all states in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania grant citizenship at birth based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood), in which citizenship is inherited through parents not by birthplace

mttyro says...

How ignorant is this comment? There are 190 countries in the world and only 30 of them have birthright citizenship. So you are saying that 84% of the planet are fascists?

You should definitely develop a commonsense understanding of how the world works before you indict good people who are trying to maintain global stability through the structure of countries with common culture and selective borders.

BTW --Almost all states in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania grant citizenship at birth based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood), in which citizenship is inherited through parents not by birthplace.