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mumper1 says...

Generalcrazy You may be hustling now to erase your child porn on your computer. There is a program called PRISM which will bring all erased files back up. You stuck like chuck

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 2 June 2014, 3:54 a.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

Guess we hit a nerve didn't we? Couldn't figure out at first why you were so angry. Had to sit and think about it for a while. And it was like the first dawn of light over South Bimini, it struck me. You are an angry pedophile, aren't you General Crazy? You are mad at the entire world because we damn fools like you who prey on little boys. Yep, got it down pat now. All your fellow Bahamians see you for what you truly are. How you say it in any language? oooooooops! Your true colors came out for everyone to see. You don't care one way or the other about what is happening in Bimini ~ you are just pissed because we won't let you diddle little boys. All this crap about slaves and slave masters and picking cotton is subterfuge, to allow you to spit out your vile because what you do with little boys is wrong. Fess up, if I am wrong, put your name and reputation out for all to see instead of hiding behind GeneralCrazy. Not only are you a clown, but a coward too. Chester Molester

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 2 June 2014, 2:53 a.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

Generalcrazy. Because you curse and proclaim you speak for the majority of Bahamians, why is it you are the only one who uses profanity and I do not see any post by anyone who is behind your rude remarks. Only you clown. Everyone else wants an intellectual discussion of what is going on. No one but you, distorts facts and lowers themselves to using profanity, but you clown. Remember, women around the world read this blog. Bet you don't care about women either, do you clown? Even if they are Bahamian women, CLOWN. Label me anything you want CLOWN - but in the end you are the CLOWN in the eyes of the Bahamas, their friends and the rest of the world. You are a disgrace CLOWN to the entire human race, CLOWN. Simply put, you aren't worth the air it takes to keep you alive. Bet you are one lonely old man, who needs adult diapers and has no one to change them. You may crow about how you speak on Behalf of the Bahamas, but won't share who you really are or what your agenda is other that to disrupt intellectual discussion of what is happening to Bimini. Bet you got a boyfriend who left you too. HMMMM. Bet I hit a nerve then. You are a selfish, mean, spiteful piece of human crap. Prove me wrong and share with everyone on this blog a little a bit about yourself. [Leave the whips and chains out and how many little boys you abused.] BTW leave your profanity at home along with the boys you got tied up. You sick piece of shit.

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 1 June 2014, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

I invite all of the posters here, no matter what position you take regarding the dredging on this Small Island to visit the Facebook group "The Real Bimini" There are 125 of us who are working extremely hard to preserve the rich history, culture and way of life that small treasured island through preservation of photos, stories and historical moments that has made up Bimini's lhistory since the early 1800's. Generalcrazy, I invite you to join the group if your real nature is to preserve Bahamian history and culture and way of life instead of being a mean, self hating individual who is going to cut everyone down irrespective of their heart.

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 1 June 2014, 12:45 a.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

I am just a retired old man who enjoyed the love and respect that I received from the people on Bimini. Pain any picture you like of me. Bottom line just between you and me as men - I contributed more to the lives of Biminites than you as you sit in Providence? Ever been to Bimini? Doubt it. And I must apologize to you personally, I let this fiasco touch my heart and not my intellect. We shouldn't be throwing stones at each other if we truly love this country and it matters not where we call home General; its what's in our hearts that truly counts. I won't be commenting anymore. Lets say you won my man.

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 1 June 2014, 12:29 a.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

Yes sir. Real Name is Mumper. In 1967 thru 1969, I had the dive shop at Browns Hotel. Worked for free with Frank Brown on repairing and keeping the three electric generators running and providing power to the Islanders. I worked [again for free] on the Bimini Trader bringing in fresh water, fuel and food to the island. Again, I worked for free as the only ferry to Cat Cay for the Customs Officers to be able to permit entries through that Island. Again, I worked for free keeping the three ferries between North and South Bimini running. I watched Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon at Buccaneer Point with Adam Clayton Powell and Huffy AFTER I installed [for free] the three hundred foot antennae so that Biminites could share world news in color. In 1967 I raced in the first Bahamas 500 ocean Race. Raced in three Miami to Nassau Boat Races. I did all this before I reached the age of 21. Give some of your history General Crazy other than lip service.

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 31 May 2014, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

Just a note of caution on the comments posted here. who benefits if this discussion, or any other public discussion is fragmented or reduced to people calling other people names and not concentrating on the subject at hand - the destruction of an Island's way of life, history and future? I'm not so sure that generalcrazy is even a Bahamian or ever has set foot in the Bahamas since his identity is secret. He keeps bringing up the word "slave" and "picking cotton" none of which has an application to any Island or culture in the Bahamas. CRAZY, who are you really working for? bimini resorts?

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

Just a note of caution on the comments posted here. who benefits if this discussion, or any other public discussion is fragmented or reduced to people calling other people names and not concentrating on the subject at hand - the destruction of an Island's way of life, history and future? I'm not so sure that generalcrazy is even a Bahamian or ever has set foot in the Bahamas since his identity is secret. He keeps bringing up the word "slave" and "picking cotton" none of which has an application to any Island or culture in the Bahamas. CRAZY, who are you really working for? bimini resorts?

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

generalcrazy, if you aren't part of the answer then you are part of the problem.…

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

mumper1 says...

This is dimishing to a personal blow by blow. Whoever generalcrazy is needs to let cool heads prevail and understand that we are living in the 21 century. generalcrazy might as well move to New York where Al Sharpton and his [you made us slaves] mentality actually has an audience among the mindless. This is about destroying the fragile coral reefs that surround Bimini. Corrupt officials may rule the Bahamian Courts, but a 1,000 foot pier that doesn't have a Fast Ferry running to it is useless. It has to depart the US of A. And with 45,000 FB followers, I just don't see that happening. They tried their "Cruses to Nowhere" out of the Port of Miami and we shut them down for violation of Immigration Laws. What makes you think they will find a sympathetic Port in The US to sail from to an Island's whose economy and way of life, they destroyed?

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal