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mybiggerpapa says...

Bahamas Oil Company (BPC)
says they have spent in exces of $50 million ($50,000,000) dollars. They were refunded their fee of $300,000. a few days ago. As public company they need to disclose how they have spent the balance of $49,700,000. for the years 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011, and 2012. Or an average of $6,000,000. per year !
Where and how was this money spent ?
The power of the people is greater than the people in power.

mybiggerpapa says...

That is why we need change. The musical chairs between the PLP and the FNM or former law partners Christie Ingraham has been going on too long, 20 plus years! The Bahamas Petroleun Company has been exploring since 2005 to 2012 and the execitive of BPC says they have spent in excess of $50,000,000.! So pray tell where are the receipts to show where the money was spent. Homeboy Albury that is why we need change.
P.S.Thanks DNA for fighting for the business people and merchants who suffered from business losses and cliente when the roads were dug up.
Oh yeah also thanks for wanting to reorganize the Education system where the present govt Education budget is $290,000,000. to educate some 49,850 or 50,000 students at $5,800 per year or $1,933 per term which is like the second most expensive school fees in this country! Unbelievable ! Stop pouring our tax dollars on Education instead of getting value for money! Young man you definately have testicular fortitude. You and the DNA have the correct right stuff and your new broom would sweep clean !

mybiggerpapa says...

Mr. Christie all those leglislative bills which the FNM delivered, delivered, delivered and delivered had you and your party's PLP collaboration. It is hard to tell the people that there was no collaboration including the passage of bills which it is claimed brought hardship to the people. Really, really now, If you can convince the people that if Her Royal Majesty's loyal Opposition was on vacation and not in Parliament then the arguement of no collaboration is valid. Let's face it you cannot pin any of the blame on the DNA party which has not yet been elected to the hallowed chambers of the people's office. When we are elected on Monday we hope you will correct the erroneous statements about the DNA not winning. Good luck at the polls for all Candidates and may the best party win.

On Christie: DNA has no chance

Posted 3 May 2012, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

mybiggerpapa says...

.......the prefab poured concrete National Stadium designed by Chinese foreigners, built by Chinese foreigners and is a free gift to the Bahamas and quoted by our Prime Minister in the opening ........" gives full expression to the boldness of our (Bahamian?) vision, the breadth of our Bahamian imagination, and the strength of our national character." ............mother never brought us up to claim other peoples work as our own...........

mybiggerpapa says...

Bahamas Petroleum Company a public company says it has so far since 2005 spent in excess of $50 million. So can they please tell the Bahamian public,the people, how they spent this money over the past 7 seven years until this matter matter was unveiled, a breakdown per each year 2005, 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,and 2012 to now would be appreciated.

On DNA demand Christie's resignation

Posted 27 April 2012, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

mybiggerpapa says...

Looks like the young DNA Simba has grown up overnight to claw back these old time aging tiger and others to take his rightful place. Way to go Simba !

On Party leaders in shouting match

Posted 25 April 2012, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

mybiggerpapa says...

....this Bahamas Oil Company started their oil business way back in 2005 with the PLP, and now former Prime Minister Perry Christie, and also Philip Brave Davis is mentioned. The BPC company continued exploring in Bahamian waters throughout the past five (5) years with seismic sound waves through our waters under the FNM administration led by corrent Prime Minister, the Honourable Hubert Ingraham, a former partner of the same law firm with former PLP Prime Minister Christie. All former law colleagues. The DNA was the one who dug up the pledging of Atlantis assets to foreigners..........the oil scandal,....... The saying goes a new broom starting to sweeps clean..........

mybiggerpapa says...

I can respect a man who can stand up and says his piece and carries out his plan even though others will blindly try to derail him. My lord and saviour Jesus Christ stood up and waited for no one to tell him when it was right to save us and there were lots of persons and groups trying to derail his plans. Many radicals like Branville and Jesus Christ do not wait to make the world a better place they act. There is a local expression called 'black crab syndrome'.