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nahbruh says...

This is a joke right? It has to be. There are two real issues here...first someone is brought in with maybe with the education/qualifications (say a degree or masters that took four to six years to obtain), the experience (say three or more years experience) and yet someone who doesn't have any of the qualifications/education or experience is expected to understudy the worker for six months to two years to get the work after the worker cannot get his/her permit renewed? If I am in an occupation that is highly skilled (e.g systems analyst/educator/anywhere in the medical field), do you really want someone who might only have two years on the job training to succeed me if you are the employer (or customer/client) simply because the understudy was born here?

The other issue is this, if I am understudy and I shadow this worker for two or more years, from whence shall the money come to pay me enough during the two years? What if the business has say three foreign workers and three understudies who shadow them, does the business have to dig three times deeper to pay the understudies as well? I assume so. What about the school system (especially the private schools that have a majority of foreign teachers) Are all these teachers going to be understudied too, and does the school have to pay for each understudy?

I can hear Bob Marley now..."Exodus, movement of Jah people...exodus"