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nancytreco says...

For the record...the IOC states that discrimination against LGBT people is at odds with Olympic Charter and Human Rights protection...wonder how the IOC would feel if they read his article..whatever happened to the "One Bahamas" movement? the one that 'strives to promote unity, loyalty, social harmony and friendship among every person residing in the Bahamas".???

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...


On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...

His article made me an embarrassed Bahamian...shame on him.

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...

AMEN!!! pardon the pun :)

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...

Some shun their own family members! How in the world is this ok? How is it 'Christian'?
I'm so tired of the hypocrisy. There are so many people in the Bahamas doing one thing in public, but under cover they do something that is completely the opposite. This Christian hatred is so tiresome. The church also condemned inter-racial marriage back in the day and they were on the wrong side of history then too. Andy Knowles' personal opinion is his to have and live out. But Andy Knowles as swim coach and bahamas olympic federation is this type of bigoted outlook something appropriate for a person potentially coaching children/young adults? Is this proper representation since we are so concerned with the Bahamas name. Shame on Andy Knowles for using the Bahamas Olympic Fereration's name...does everyone on our Olympic federation feel like he does? He does not have the right to speak for any others...again remember - he that doth protest too much....

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...

Why are so called Christians so hateful? Why can't they just accept the fact that people have the freedom to be who they are and believe what they wish? Noone is condemning their beliefs/faith. The Bahamas is not a safe place for many, and the mental health effects of this type of rhetoric is dangerous and sad. These self-righteous homophobic judgemental hypocritical and hateful people are the ones that fuel violence against those who have done you no harm! Whatever happened to 'let us not judge'...I think that this spiel of Andy Knowles makes one wonder if he is hiding his true self behind the gospel verses he spouts out. Hmmm

On The only hope for my country

Posted 17 March 2021, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

nancytreco says...

Halejulah....someone with sense....finally!

On Wrinkle granted bail by appeals court

Posted 15 February 2013, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal