Comment history says...

Kill all of these scum bags, let the almighty sought them out. Keep up the good work RBPF. says...

Building inspectors in (MOW) and Housing are known to take kickbacks to approve work. Given the chance, many of them will even approve work in any Haitian Shanty Town - if the price is right. If any government is serious about who approved payments to the contractor for work that was supposedly done or was incomplete, all they need do is to find out who’s signature(s) are on the inspection forms. But this will never happen with no government. So, what is Mr. Rolle complaining about? Both (FNM) and (PLP) are guilty in this regard. Get rid of crooked inspectors and their associates – end of story. says...

Yes; really. says...

Dr. Sands is absolutely correct . I have been saying the same thing for months now, that the rt-pcr covid – 19 tests is too expensive and that it makes no sense for domestic travel. Instead, the quick antigen test should be used.

By insisting on these insane protocols for domestic travel, the competent authority is destroying families and is decimating economic activities in the family islands.

On ‘Time to move on from PCR test’

Posted 28 January 2021, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal says...

The Government of the Bahamas requires that its local citizens take a covid-19 rt-pcr test - just to travel to our family islands - which the majority of Bahamians simply cannot afford to pay for.
Instead of complaining about what the USA is doing, they need to stop their (BS) and let local citizens travel to the family islands with the quick antigen test.
If the USA is willing to allow citizens from other countries to enter their country with the quick antigen test, why can’t we allow our own citizens to travel to our family islands with it? says...

What goes around comes around. America must do what they think is necessary to protect thier citizens. We did the same here in the Bahamas. The Goverment of the Bahamas require that its local citizen have a Covid - 19 RT-PCR test - just to travel to our family islands, which makes no sense.

All the great USA is asking us for is a quick atigen test so far. They have not yet specified the quarantine period, yet - if any. Lets be hopeful and stop acting like a bunch of hypocrites. We need to grow up. says...

The Rapid Antigen test for domestic travel makes good sense. The goverment should seriously consider this, before they destroy more families on the family islands, who simply cannot afford the Covid -19 PCR test. says...

Shame on the Government. This is wrong - period.

On Long queues for pension registration

Posted 6 January 2021, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal says...

Shame on the Government. This wrong - period.

On Long queues for pension registration

Posted 6 January 2021, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal says...

Fred Smith is a danger to the Bahamas. Let's send him back to Haiti. Let him try and teach the Haitians how to stay at home and re-build his (their) country. The Bahamas has its laws. Illegals are not welcome. Get your passport and visa and we will be happy to welcome you into our country .