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nassausands says...

Now it tome to give all americans caught trafficking Drugs in the Bahamas millions dollars fines and lengthy prison terms. Go after the co-conspirators in the USA also....the DEA know who they are.

nassausands says...

Please Bahamians, do not let people like Arthur Foulkes and the Fred Mitchels of the world destroyed the Bahamas. The call for Gender Equality is a call for homosexuality. i would rather be a backward peoples, than a sinner. We have lost our way under both the PLP and FNM after the death of Ping. We need new leadership in the Bahamas, leaders who believe in and FEAR God. Bahamian, just think, the Bahamas does not produce anything, but we were always able to survive. You want to know why, because we always had the FEAR of God. "I am the same God, today and forever"

nassausands says...

When you want to be like America, you get the type of crimes that they have in America. But that's not our only problem, we now have a nation that has turn away from God, our leaders are ungodly and the men of God are FAKES. Stand-up Bahamas, we all know right from wrong, carnival and numbers are not the way to go.

We as a people have survived for all this time by trusting in God and doing that which was right. Then we changed and wanted to be like the rest of the world. We must get back to the ways of old or we will suffer.

On nassausands

Posted 24 March 2015, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

nassausands says...

Bahamians will only become a minority if they continue to kill babies. We as a people has gone away from God and now we are paying the price, Read the Bible, God said that he would give us the base of leaders, because of our sins, Just look around the country and tell me that we have any leaders who are not out to enrich themselves and cares very little about the Bahamas.

This is much bigger that PLP or FNM people, we need to return back to our roots, We are not America, We use to be a God fearing people, but we have adopted a culture that have denied God, one who do not believe in the Bible and call sin right and the word of God wrong. There I more killing in the Bahamas today than there is in a major city like Boston. There is a price to pay and we are paying it.....

On Louby Georges: I have not been anti-Bahamian

Posted 22 December 2014, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

nassausands says...

you all must be kidding, just take a look at crime in the bahamas and tell me that tha the police officers are mistreating law brakers. bahamians please dont let a few fools tell you that criminals need protection, what they need are to be treated they way they act. we in the bahamas have always had a respect for the word of god. please don't change it now. let us deal with the criminal element swiftly and with the full extent of the law, and to all the do gooders, i say move to america.

these young punks must get a job and learn to give god thanks for life, we may think life is hard in the bahamas but i say to my people,,,read any news paper from america and you will see what hard life is. if we in the bahamas think that we know better than god, let us not punish the evil doers and see where this will get us.

On nassausands

Posted 8 April 2013, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal