Comment history

nationbuilder says...

**"It is going to take time for the private sector and citizen to get beyond pandering to Government and politicians, it is all they know, and it is what has worked for them for decades. Unfortunately, time has run out, and we are still only at the point of a few individuals speaking out."**

very true

On 'We will not be bullied on VAT'

Posted 4 March 2014, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

All this moron Halkitis is showing is what has always been true - the government does not truly want the input of Bahamians, they are just pretending to want it - but when Bahamians actually give it, then the government comes out with threats. Bastards.

On 'We will not be bullied on VAT'

Posted 4 March 2014, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

stupid is as stupid does

nationbuilder says...

This guy looks prehistoric, but claims to be a poster boy for youth. Can this country's government get any stupider and more pathetic as it follows this fossil around like puppy dogs?

On Bahamas resident ‘reverses ageing process’

Posted 23 February 2014, 1:34 a.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

You see how insidious this man is? On every other matter he tells the US to stay out of The Bahamas' business and thumbs his nose at US aid and opinion - now he wants us to esteem what he says is the US' opinion, and fear not getting US money over an issue, simply because the issue is now personal to him.

nationbuilder says...

he is lying about the US possibly cutting assistance over this. this is total lie and he knows it, and there are no anti-gay laws in the bahamas either

nationbuilder says...

why doesn't the Tribune know that the Freeport Container Port has radiation screening devices when this was made both national and international news when the devices were introduced years ago?

nationbuilder says...

Its time for a new gender?? So will transgender work too?

On It is time for a woman to lead us

Posted 19 February 2014, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...


nationbuilder says...

laughing so loud!