Comment history

newcitizen says...

Again, John, stop with the wall of text. Just say what you actually think. You think women are less than men. You do not believe that women should have equal rights to men.

You'd have a different tune if a wife was holding her husband down and violating his bungy. You think marital rape is ok, so that should be ok too then, right?

On FNM: PM flip flops over marital rape

Posted 25 April 2024, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

John, that was a lot of words, just say what you actually believe. You think women are less than men. You don't think they are equal.

On US: Bahamas not equal for women

Posted 23 April 2024, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Kovats has made promises in the Bahamas for over a decade now. Show me one thing he has actually followed through on, besides lawsuits.

newcitizen says...

I hope he asked to drive on more of the roads, at least they will receive a superficial layer of black top then and some potholes will be fixed.

You think Brave is going to offer him up his new BMW to drive around in?

newcitizen says...

No matter what more you think is going on, no deal is sketchier than a deal with Kovats.

newcitizen says...

The Bahamas is in no way "a major regional and world wide leading nation". What is Bodie going on about?

Davis is just going around playing dress up on the people dime. It's all pretend and a show, nothing of substance actually takes place on any of these trips.

On Travel for the PM is crucial

Posted 24 March 2024, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

"This vehicle is currently being customised to meet the stringent security and functional requirements necessary for transporting a prime minister."

What are they talking about? What stringent security and functional requirement? Security from what? Yet, no problem driving around in a different BMW for the time being that has none of these stringent security upgrades.

This country is a joke. It's not a real country, Brave is just playing dress up and we are paying the bill.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 21 March 2024, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Why is the government trying to blame changing demographics? That is not a Bahamian problem at the moment and there are currently more workers making contribution than at any time. Either they are lying or have no idea what they are talking about.

The government is expecting the public to pay almost 3 times what their contributions are now? Tax burden goes up by 3x and they think their isn't going to be riots? NIB has been run so badly that the only way to save it is to input 3x as much money? Something is fishy here, as always though

newcitizen says...

Golden Egg? $50m a year in revenue is our golden egg?

And $5-$7 more per person is going to make or break the cruise lines profit (and the cost will simply be passed onto the customer anyway), or cause a passenger not to book? I find hard to believe.

newcitizen says...

Why in every rendering is there a pier that comes directly off PI with the cruise ship docked at it? Is the plan to skip the new cruise port entirely and dock directly at their own beach getaway?