Comment history

newcitizen says...

"posative" "stupedness" I'm not sure I want to take advice from you.

newcitizen says...

They waited a day to even get to the wreckage, due to "bad weather" that happened right after the crash. No one seems to be interested in actually investigating though.

newcitizen says...

Maybe not selfish, definitely ignorant.

newcitizen says...

What is it that you are talking about?

newcitizen says...

Wait, I thought further down you said Fauci was lying and profiting from vaccines, but now you seem to be quoting him as an expert. Which one is it, is he a lying or telling the truth?

newcitizen says...

Can we separate the vaccines from Fauci, we got AstraZeneca, which had nothing to do with Fauci. The vaccine is effective and safe.

Now, Fauci definitely has some dirty hands from before and the start of the pandemic. But lets not have that stop us from getting out of the pandemic.

newcitizen says...

I liked it back when your rants were jokey and off the wall. Now you are being serious and one of the most sensible people in these comments. Sad times.

newcitizen says...

Haha, you spend all day posting on the Tribune, you don't have a job or the money to pay for all those doctors, ahahaha.

newcitizen says...

What are you talking about?

newcitizen says...

You must think about that a lot!