Comment history

newcitizen says...

Oh please tell me more of your crack pot theories. They must be so well researched and from such and educated person.

Don't worry no one is stepping on your freedom to let us all know that you are, in fact, and idiot.

newcitizen says...

Why are you shouting about US politics in the Tribune's comment section? Go to the US and complain to them.

newcitizen says...

You, John, are an idiot. You do realize that the Ruble has never been equal to a USD? It has fallen from around 1.4 US cents per Ruble to 0.9 US cents per Ruble. So your $2.00 bottle of water now costs about $3.50 not $200. This is a testament to the failure of education in this country.

newcitizen says...

"Our poor Cabinet Ministers, having cabinet meeting is so hard for them, and if they are asked a question while they are arriving at the building then they simply cannot recover focus"

Is this their legitimate excuse, that our cabinet ministers, that run our country need to be treated like children because we are worried about their attention span? Questions overwhelm our leaders? What a load of BS.

newcitizen says...

"It's so hard for us to figure out how to organize ourselves, and it seems that testing is terrible where we are so we would like to blame the Bahamas for these problems. Why did the Bahamas make testing a sh*tshow where I am from? Why did the Bahamas make me incapable of organizing myself? The Bahamas is ruining their country because we suck at being adults in US/Canada"

Basically how everyone of these letters goes. Can the Tribune please stop publishing them?

On No wonder hotels close with these rules

Posted 25 January 2022, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

Couldn't help but brag that he was the last person to speak to Griffin.

On Pintard blasts PM for breaking quarantine

Posted 21 January 2022, 10:38 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

It is far more difficult to get into Canada now than the Bahamas. Enough with this sh*t. Why does the tribune insist on publishing these asinine letters from people who are either to dumb to fill out a form, or are so out of touch that filling out a form is just overwhelming to them.

To get into the Bahamas for a vaccinated person - antigen test, fill out travel visa, get it back in an hour

To get into Canada for a vaccinated person - take a PCR within 3 days - download the ArriveCan app, upload test, fill out a quarantine and isolation plan, wait a day for approval, take another test at the airport in Canada when you arrive - isolate until you have the results

Also, somehow it's the Bahamas fault that the Canadian government has sh*t the bed when it comes to testing so that poor Davey baby can't get his tests uploaded on time. But don't let that stop him from blaming the Bahamas for his own countries handling of the pandemic.

Honestly, these entitled letters need to be tossed in the trash. If this is such a huge problem for people that don't understand that the whole entire world is dealing with covid, then they should stay home. We don't need any extra idiots in this country, we have enough.

On Barriers stop Bahamas travel

Posted 21 January 2022, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

I bet you would have protested cars in favour of horses. Or typewriters in favour of computers.

Can we pull our heads out of the sand and realize that the world is progressing and we are only getting left further behind.

On Is an end to cheques a good move?

Posted 21 January 2022, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

newcitizen says...

The hotels are full, out island rentals are all booked, cruise ships are back in full swing. You're not being missed.

newcitizen says...

No it isn't, what are you talking about?